Yeah, legal implications should be considered, that’s the thing im most worried about.
We got plenty additional youtubers to work with. And would like to make some magic with them.
Have a plan to launch NEAR community video creation program. More details were here:
NEAR Stars Guild ⭐ DAO creation and plan for 3 months (milestones)
Need a week to set it up fully and advertise on NEAR inner communities.
- For each project that we take care of for product and local advertising needs want create for them stunning vids. Here are sample:
Reality Chain - YouTube
Idk if it would be fine to update existing proposal or write a new one and add it to Marketing DAO for voting pool.
Yes, took at dates, value changes.
Appreciate your honesty and integrity on this one @Zhunda , thanks a tonne!
This was distributed twice in error due to confusion on our side.
Please return 879.2 N to nf-payments.near
Thanks again
Kemal, 500 USD per 100k impressions is fine. He writes them by himself?
Take a look at his past posts to see if engagement went that big.
We had some article writing with Hidden Gem Team from Vietnam, those were written by us.
Still if it could get as official media partner would be the best. Then can ask for several posts per month.
Just sent
Thank you, appreciate it
500$ is for publishing an article without writing the article
Cryptomonday want to be official media partners from NEAR. In that case they would do the publishment for free
How can we make them be media partners of NEAR? @NEAR_Core @marketingdao-council
Hey @Zhunda, no, the article has to be written by us. Cryptomondy is a german speaking website with 100,000 visitors from german speaking areas, so Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. So I think 500 USD is a reasonable amount.
And as I said, if Near Foundatuion (@NEAR_Core, @marketingdao-council, @David_NEAR, @Grace) could partner up with them they would even do it for free. That would mean that we would have in some way our “own” publishing page with 100,000 monthly readers. I think that’s huge!
Let’s take a look if NEAR agrees on partnership.
Otherwise if we will have something left in budget, can sponsor it.
As plan B maybe create a proposal with article and send in to Marketing DAO for pool voting with attached article. Am 100% sure it will get passed.
Thank You for amazing work and two awesome videos
some more will follow!
Thanks for feedback