[Approved] Near Singapore Web3 Educational Talks & Hackathon

Dear my fellow friends and @marketingdao-council

First of all, I would like to thank you all very much :heart_on_fire: for your support both online and offline for our Grand Kick-off event and the 3 free Web3 fundamental & Intro to RUST workshop:

We had total 500+ students signed up workshop, more details will be share in our monthly report:D

With the success of these events, we hope to keep this momentum going and bring the education to a higher level in the following months.

Thus, having spoken with Oliver and Sherif. We are planning to hold a series of educational talks & workshops+ mini hackathon for Nov and Dec to wrap up the year :100: :star_struck:.

Before that, as suggested by the you guys (the lovely MarketingDAO council :laughing:), we will use this series of events to keep our current members engaged, and build up the momentum for the coming education series in the following months.


A very good proposal Constance. Seems key to reach out to all these universities and facilitate them a gateway to NEAR.

Hope Near University can support or co-organize the Hackaton.

Do let us know if you need any help from NEAR Malaysia. Happy to support and to be physically there.


Thank you for the support!! :100: :star_struck: :heart_on_fire:

Yes we will kickstart with the above events and hopefully further strengthen the education part in the following ones to come.

For sure, let’s extend it to Malaysia!! And of course, please be here for the IRL opening ceremony as well as the subsequent ones :star_struck:


I have seen lots of activities between the universities and other L1 chain. This initiative from Singapore will definitely give NEAR a whole lot more exposure and adoption in the South-east Asia. Hope this proposal will get through! :purple_heart: Good effort as usual Constance


Exactly Ann :blue_heart:, that’s what we hope to see with this series of events.

Hope you could be here and please do not hesitate to invite other L1 friends!! :dizzy:

Let’s make it open and welcoming :heart_on_fire:


@vanny16 Thank you for the support!

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@agungdjs Thank you my Near Indonesia friend for the support!! :blue_heart: Join us tgt :heart_on_fire:


Hi @constance.near
I love the enthusiasm and ambition in your proposal. You’ve got a lot of initiatives listed here and we can’t approve a $25K proposal.

While it’s understood that each successful event benefits and increases the engagement of the next, you need to submit a proposal for just one month and one central initiative (see below).

Therefore, please resubmit and focus on one of the following:

  • 2-4 meetups with guest speakers
  • 1-2 workshops (Web3 Fundamental Workshop or Build on NEAR Workshop)
  • 1 Mini hackathon

Please add more detail:
Program outline
Subject / Speakers
Overview / summary / bullet points for the module / speaker / etc

Great job on the launch:

Really excited to see more detail on this one.

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Thanks @Klint for the suggestion! I’m on it :slight_smile:

Hi Constance,

Thanks for your proposal!

Very excited by the strong start of the NEAR Singapore Ecosystem. Very impressed with the performance so far and the ambition going forward.

I want to make sure that the Marketing DAO is able to support you on your teams in reaching any goals you set rather than being a blocker. Having said that, we do have some constraints when it comes to funding (~US$10k per month).

Some thoughts on how this proposal could be chopped down and submitted as an initial month:

  • I would postpone the Web3 Fundamentals workshop. Leverage the existing resources online and the crypto savvy nature of Singapore so we can focus efforts on NEAR specific things
  • Focus on Build on NEAR Workshop
  • Replace the Mini Hackathon with close collaboration with MetaBuidl III (global, 8 week hackathon starting after NEARCON) This should take off the prizes pressure and may even get you more resources by collaborating directly with Metabuidl organisers
  • Prioritise universities and run with the ones that could have the highest impact first (existing blockchain clubs, etc.)

The above are just suggestions, looking forward to see what the team comes up in a simplified proposals.

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Thanks for the proposal – I appreciate your motivation and interest in building something substantial for the NEAR ecosystem in your region. After reading all the plans and comments, I agree that an initial month of funding for a smaller/simpler/single project would help us gain confidence and allow the MarketingDAO to further help you and your team reach your goals going forward.

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Hey @Klint @satojandro @so608 @Dacha thank you guys so much for your support and all the suggestion :blue_heart:
We’ve taken all of the points into consideration and trimmed down the proposal to a 1 month one. We will prioritise universities and concentrate on building up the interest for the upcoming events in Nov and Dec (will be submitted in separate proposals)

A sidenote to @satojandro , I really love the idea of collaborating with Metabuidl :star_struck: I’m actually going to participate myself! Do you have any suggestion on who or how we can get in contact with them to talk about the potential collaboration?

Once again, thank you guys for the support! I’ll be at NearCon Hacking today, would love to introduce my team to you, feel free to say hi :blue_heart:

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You have good audience coverage. Learning WEB 3,Rust is very good. Are students users of the Near ecosystem or are they completely new people? After the training of students, they will have the opportunity to work in the Near ecosystem? We need valuable personnel ourselves in the Near blockchain.
Thx :blush:


Hi @constance.near thanks for your proposal.

I am a big supporter of regional hubs so it is interesting to see what is happening in Singapore!

Am i missing the revised amouts for one month or have you made another post?


Thanks for reviewing this proposal down to $9k, moving to approved now.

Proceed with the AstroDAO poll. Once the poll has been approved, submit the new IronClad form

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Thank you all for supporting!! Poll created :blue_heart:

Hi there, interesting name!

Most of them have strong interest in Web3 but relatively new in terms of skillset and all. So we hope to guide them and accelerate their process of getting into Web3. Hopefully, NEAR is their first stop and first home :slight_smile:

Are you building a community yourself? Looking forward to finding out more!

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Hi @cryptocredit ! Yes thank you for your suggestion! I’ve made the revision directly in this post, length has been shorten to one month and amount has been downsized accordingly :blue_heart: I’ve created the poll here , looking forward to your support!!

Hey @so608 Thank you for your suggestion and I’ve revised the proposal accordingly, trimming everything down to one month:) However, I saw your vote on the poll, perhaps I could understand any further improvement you would suggest? Thank you

Hi @Klint Thank you for the advice! The proposal has been revised and trimming down to one month length accordingly. I’ve incorporated your suggestion on our Nov and Dec planning. Workshops will be in Nov and Mini Hackathon will be moved to Dec. I’ll submit more details in the next proposal, tgt with Oct report :smiley:

The poll has been created here, looking forward to your support!! :star_struck: