[APPROVED] NEAR NORTH AFRICA-Arabic/French Video Content-$1200 for First Activities


With a focus on expanding the developer base in the North African region, this proposal aims to create a series of five technical videos in Arabic and French. These videos are designed to onboard new developers to the NEAR Protocol, equipping them with the knowledge and tools needed to actively participate in the ecosystem and contribute to its growth.


Our objective is to develop a comprehensive educational resource that will:

  • Equip new developers with a deep understanding of NEAR Protocol’s fundamentals and advanced features.
  • Encourage active participation in the NEAR ecosystem by showcasing practical development opportunities.

Project Description

We propose the production of 4 detailed videos, each focusing on different aspects of NEAR Protocol:

  1. Introduction to NEAR Protocol: Covering an overview of NEAR Protocol’s unique offerings.
  2. Setting Up the NEAR Development Environment: Guiding viewers through setting up their development environment for NEAR projects.
  3. Smart Contract Development on NEAR: Exploring smart contract development, including coding, testing, and deployment on the NEAR platform.
  4. Non developer onbording video A walkthrough on how to create a wallet and interact with Ref-finance

To further support these objectives and ensure the achievement of our KPIs, the following activities will be included:

  • Two AMAs (Ask Me Anything) sessions: Hosted in Arabic/ French, these sessions will directly engage the community, addressing queries related to developing on NEAR and participating in the ecosystem.
  • Five Twitter threads: Each thread will summarize key points from the videos, driving engagement and sharing essential takeaways on social media.
  • Five Medium articles: Providing written summaries and additional insights on the video content, these articles will serve as an accessible resource for those preferring written guides.
  • Wallet Creation and Transactions: The goal is to create at least 30 new NEAR wallets, leading to at least 200 transactions within the first month post-launch. This will serve as a direct metric for engagement and application of learned skills.
  • 30 Social account creation
  • Onboarding 10 new developers: Through this initiative, we aim to directly onboard at least 10 new developers to the NEAR Protocol, guiding them to contribute to the ecosystem effectively.


  • Content Planning & Scripting: 1 week after funding is received
  • Video Production & Editing: 3 weeks after funding is received
  • Launch & Distribution: 4 weeks after funding is received
  • AMAs, Social Media Engagements, and Medium Articles Rollout: Concurrent with and following the video series launch


Total Requested: $2200, allocated as follows:

  • Video Production (Scripting, Recording, Editing): $1600
  • X threads and Medium articles $400
  • Marketing and Promotion: $150
  • Miscellaneous Expenses: $50


This series aims to significantly increase the number of developers capable of contributing to the NEAR ecosystem by providing them with the necessary technical foundation and encouraging their active participation in the community. By targeting Arabic and French-speaking audiences, we intend to tap into a rich talent pool in the North African region, fostering diversity and innovation within the NEAR ecosystem.


Through this series of technical and non technical videos and the comprehensive plan to engage with the community via AMAs, social media, and written content, we anticipate a notable increase in engagement and contributions from the North African region to the NEAR Protocol. We believe these resources will be invaluable for onboarding new developers, ultimately driving the growth and diversity of the NEAR ecosystem. We look forward to the community’s support in making this initiative a success.


  • Jaafar Saied: Web3 entrepreneur since 2017. LinkedIn: jaafar–saied/ Twitter: Jaaf_art, Near Social: jaafar-lightency.near

  • Firas Bilhiba: Blockchain architect and full-stack developer. LinkedIn: Firas belhiba , Github: Firas Belhiba, Near Social: firas-lightency.near

    • Ismael Amara: Blockchain copywriter, LinkedIn: ismail amara. Near Social : Ismail-lightency.near

Thanks for coming to NEAR. I hope to see NEAR spread across North Africa in a massive way.

Happy to support your proposal.

Hello North Africa Community,
you are welcome to the NEAR Ecosystem.

among your timeline,

  1. You didnt mention onchain activities.
  2. what startegies are you adopting for onboarding
  3. am seeing videos series, which activities will the videos be used for?



Thank you for reaching out with these questions. Here are specifics regarding the timeline and activities related to our proposal.

Onchain Activities (Timeline: Weeks 3-5 post-funding):

We plan to engage our community in onchain activities, such as live smart contract deployment sessions. Following the second technical video release, we will hold a week-long challenge where participants will apply their new knowledge by deploying test contracts to the NEAR testnet. This hands-on exercise is scheduled for the third week after funding is received, with support and feedback sessions extending into the fourth and fifth weeks.

Onboarding Strategies (Timeline: Ongoing from Week 1):

Our onboarding strategy is a blend of educational content and interactive participation. Starting from week one, we will release videos sequentially, with each serving as a foundational block for the next. We will supplement these with interactive AMAs to answer any questions that arise. Moreover, by week four, we will initiate peer-pairing sessions where new developers can pair with experienced mentors to solidify their learning through collaborative projects.

Use of Video Series (Timeline: Weeks 1-4):

The video series is structured to incrementally build the technical capacity of our community members. The series will kick off with an introductory video in the first week, followed by more in-depth technical tutorials in the subsequent weeks. Specifically, the videos will be used to:

Educate about the NEAR ecosystem and its tools (Week 1).

Guide viewers through setting up their NEAR development environment (Week 2).

Dive into smart contract coding and deployment (Week 3).

Explore wallet creation and interaction with NEAR-based DeFi platforms (Week 4).

Each video will conclude with practical exercises to be completed by viewers, leading to the culmination of the series in a collaborative hackathon event planned for Week 6, reinforcing the learned skills and fostering community collaboration.

We hope this addresses your questions and clarifies our timeline for the proposed activities.
Let us know if you need more clarifications.

Best regards

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ok great. willing to support.

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