[Approved] NEAR MEME DAILY [January+February] Month Report

Introduction Forum Post: [Introduction] MEME DAILY Guild

    > Project Name: NEAR MEME DAILY
    > Payment Request Month: January + February
    > Project Accounting: $5000 USD 

Report: The report consists of the following 4 sections

  1. Social Media Growth Report
  2. Meme Contests Report
  3. Funding Request Amount
  4. Connect with Us
  1. Social Media Report
Twitter January + Feb
Impression 66.6K
Profile Visit: 22 K
Followers: 2,275
Telegram January + Feb
Members 244
Active users 137 (62.27%)
New users 116
Avg. daily msgs. 94
  1. Meme Contests Report: 251 MEMEs

Daily Theme Contests Report
Total Memes Submitted: 251

Activities JAN FEB
Daily Theme Contests 22 18
Total Memes Submitted 107 144
Supported Contest
Reddit + NEAR Telegram
4 6
Paid Contest
MEME Contest
1 2
  1. Requested amount: 4600 + 400 (March Tips in Advance) = 5000 USDT
Activity January February
Guild Work 2100 2100
Tips + Rewards Received 400
Total 2100 2500
  1. Connect with Us
  1. Telegram: Telegram: Contact @NearMemeDaily
  2. Twitter: x.com
  3. Instagram: Login • Instagram
  4. Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/NEARmemedaily
  5. Medium: NEAR MEME DAILY – Medium

Tagging @marketingdao-council for the report review



Good morning, thanks. One of the best community driven project. Great job.

Definitely, Yes from me.

Ps: May be create proposal about 4x months funding?
Jan Feb March and April = $10k


Awesome stats as always. As a part of the community, it’s lovely to see the vibes about NEAR Ecosystem in form of daily meme theme! :star::fire:


Great insights love those :+1::+1:, One of the most actively participating guild


I loved it. Proud to be a part of the great Community.


It’s been a great experience here

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Detailed and clear report.
Loved being part of nmd

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Created another proposal for 4 Months [Jan, Feb, March, and April]
Requested Rewards: $2500 X 4 = $10,000

@marketingdao-council, Kindly check the proposal

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Hey guys gm,

Going to move this to Approved if there are no further comments from Community, @marketingdao-council or @MktngDAO_Advisors

If it’s superseded by the 4 month proposal, you can ignore.