[APPROVED] - Near Brazil - September $1500

Hello everyone. We are thrilled to present our proposal for september to continuous the previous work and keep helping the Near ecosystem.

Community Name: NEAR BRASIL
Country: BRAZIL
WEBSITE: https://nearbrasil.com/
TWITTER: - https://twitter.com/nearprotocolbr
INSTAGRAM: - https://www.instagram.com/nearnobrasil/
TELEGRAM: - Telegram: Contact @nearbrasil
YOUTUBE: - https://www.youtube.com/@nearnobrasil
NEAR.SOCIAL: Near Brasil | Near Social

Funding scheme: Month - September

June Report Link: [Report] Near Brasil - June 2023

@andersonbr Anderson | Near Social:Near Social
@jcsta jcsta.near | Near Social: Near Social


Since we started our community in the beginning of 2022 we have reached many accounts, partnerships, artists and people who work with Near in Brazil, engaging and bringing more people to know about the protocol.

We want to help Near reach the 2023 goal of 10 million active accounts monthly. We want to be Near’s main channel and Hub in Brazil so that anyone can start in Near, develop in Near, buy, sell and create NFTs. We will also be able to help people look for grants and partners in Brazil and Latin America to start their projects.

In short, we want to continue learning about Near, teaching it and try to reach as many as possible of the 200 million Brazilians.

The purpose of this proposal is to continue the growth of the Near Protocol in Brazil, implementing and disseminating this innovative technology to educational entities in the country, bringing cutting-edge knowledge to people who already have knowledge of the crypto universe andalso new users.

Our job is to provide information to the Brazilian public and create partnerships to engage the community. This is an educational and informative project, so everything others are doing inspires us to create more and bring more information to our community.

Our differential is knowing Near for more than 1 year, working with Near since February of 2022 and meeting many people who work with it in Brazil.

Our country is immense and I believe that the work I have been doing will help many people to know more about the project and be constantly updated about it.

The project aims to continue what I was already doing and also add more partnerships, Twitter spaces and bring guests to talk about their projects.


We want to increase the number of wallets created and the number of transactions through the artists, projects and their communities.

Partnering with more artists and projects we can imagine more people coming to Near and knowing the protocol.

With Spaces/AMAs we want to engage and show the possibilities of Near blockchain. We believe the great partners Near has can give more confidence to people to understand and initiate in this universe.


We want to continue the work and do much more.

Over time we were able to meet many artists, talk to many people and understand that creating a community is perhaps the greatest challenge and also the greatest benefit that a blockchain can have. We want to create Near super fans.


Increasing numbers of active Users and Transactions
We want to translate/write articles of NEAR and projects of the ecosystem in Portuguese and present these articles to our community through our website and Near.Social and weekly Quiz about Weekly updates on Near - Only for IAH members.
When we post something on Nearby Social, users are encouraged to like and comment, increasing the number of transactions. And by participating in the quizzes, they earn tips, which are also transactions.
We bring in more users and they generate more transactions.

Metrics: Increase number of Transactions by 20%

Budget: $ 250

On-chain onboarding and participation in ecosystem dApps

NDC: Create and disseminate content about NDC and governance incentivizing with rewards and tips through tipbot and giveaways.
Onboard Artists and Collections: We want to onboard artists that aim to create their NFTs on Near. We want to provide the support to help them on the mint and build their communities.

Contest: Launch 1 contest for users and artists to mint their NFTs/Collections on Near Dapps. Every contest has a different theme.
Let’s create a campaign on Zealy for users to use some of the system’s dapps with rewards. Dapps to be defined.

Metrics: At least 35 participants

Everyday transactions and interactions with Near Social, rewards distributed through Keypom and tipbot.
Metrics: Increase number of new users by 20% and daily transactions by 20%

Budget: $ 500

On-chain engagement

Weekly Leaderboard: The result is a daily increase in transactions for using/interacting with Near.Social and other dapps, mints of NFTs, etc.(Telegram: Contact @nearbrasil)

Weekly prizes and tips, management and engagement of users through Telegram, Near Social. We will create mini contests to have people interacting more with Near Social.

NFT Treasure: We are going to create a wallet with NFTs purchased every week from local artists and projects.
Select and purchase NFTs looking for artists to mint and show NFTs in different ways to attract more interest and show that they are active in NEAR.

Metrics: Increase number of Transactions on the Leaderboard by 50%

Budget: $ 300

Increasing number of Devs and disseminate content about BOS

Create a mini course about NEAR Protocol and introduction about BOS on a third party Website.
https://pt.w3d.community is our partner and a dev community.

This will be initial content about NEAR so that developers can find information about NEAR and already know little about BOS. Our social networks will also be there so that anyone can come and ask us questions.

Budget: $ 200

Increasing numbers of Tools, dApps on BOS

A new widget will be created that will show our NFT Treasure

We also want to use and test widgets created for South America RCs. It would increase our knowledge on it to propose new activities for September.

Metrics: 1 widget

Budget: $ 250

Increasing the number of people educated about NDC governance, BOS and active projects in the ecosystem:
It is being done daily with posts on Near Social and our socials.
We are also talking to partners to onboard developers. The first activity will be a bootcamp.

What mechanisms will they use to track and report onboarded users, engagement, transactions?

New users: We have a sharddog link where we can see new accounts created with our link
Engagement: We have the Leaderboard where we can see where we can see the growth of transactions from the main active wallets weekly



Near Wallet ID: nearbrasil.near
Name: Anderson Rossoni
Telegram handle:@andersonzr
Email: anderson1303@msn.com


Thank you for your proposal.

Your community is one of the most active at the regional level, but some of your above listed activities are outside our September scope.

Please take a moment to read about our September KPIs and align with it. http://gov.near.org/t/announcement-marketing-dao-constellation-september-review-schedule-kpis/36047 and note that your alignments is not guarantee you to get approve too.

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Thanks @andersonbr – thanks for the proposal. Echoing the comments from @Bakaka – can you outline how your activities directly align with current MDAO KPIs? We need to be able to connect MDAO KPIs to funded projects in a clear, direct way.

I also want to note that you have an active community, and we would like to be able to better support Regional Communities. There has been a lot of transition around funding regional communities, as I am sure you have experienced in recent months.

That said, the reality is that we have 70 projects under review for this month, and we’re not able to fund everyone.

I’ll wait for your response to Bakaka’s questions.

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The proposal has been updated.

250$ for just 15 participate is too much

How do you manage to spend the 750$ is not clear

Hello. I have updated the proposal again.

The budget will be used to engage and and set up the competitions and challenges. Like organization in other socials to attract people. Alteady ia included the rewards and prizes. So the budget comprises other related activities and issues.

Total budget was reduce.

Let me know if you need more explanations.

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The cost of forking an existing widget is too high, can you reduce it please? and happy to support

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Ok. I already adjusted the budget.

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Hi @andersonbr thanks for working with the MDAO to adjust the proposal. You have received majority council support for this proposal. Moving to approved.

Next steps:

Your application was approved by Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO at NDC. The approved proposal will be included in the next MDAO budget request to NDC trust. The trust needs to authorize it first and then transfer funds to Marketing DAO treasury: the expected payment date is the last week of September.

So, during this time, please do the following:

  1. Fill out the form to pass KYC

  2. Wait for future instruction from Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO and an invitation to create a transfer on Astro DAO.

  3. Please join NDC Marketing HUB to discuss this and future projects.

  4. Refer to the Marketing DAO Funding Guide as needed.