
Project Name: Cosmia DAO

Project Status: [ in progress ]

Project members:

Francesca Fretti mormostrix.near

@BarbaraTosti barbaratosti.near


Stefania Giudici stefaniagiudici.near

Target Address: cosmia.sputnik-dao.near

Project Accounting: current account balance: 608,40 USD*

Updated Project Timeline:

DAO created on february [introduction] COSMIA DAO

Onboraded members of the circle (council) on NEAR

NFT available for membership and donation on Mintbase

IRL meeting to prepare for the onboarding of writers that participated to the call creative writing about scars (planning a drop one month long as soon as visual part of the NFT is ready, now at 30%)

Internal work of organization and discussion over the next calls (LOGO-NARRANDOMNIA LAUNCH-OSSIMORO LAUNCH), IRL and NFT publishing, first book almost ready, date will be defined soon, work for march

Planned a collab with Incubadora DAO, march call

In order to carry out the actions we planned for this DAO we request funding for the following activities in March:

Administrative Matters:

DAOs administrative work including multiple reports and fund requests = 260 USD
MINTBASE STORE management = 120 USD

Sub-total = 380 USD

Stipends, In collaboration with Incubadora DAO

Artist Stipend Program

Artist´s reward = 720 USD (4 x 180 USD) (first of 2 months)

Managing the Open Call = 200 USD

Jury = 200 USD (4 x 50 USD)

Sub-total = 1620 USD

Thanks for any suggestion, still learning the procedure and language.


Awesome work @BarbaraTosti :star_struck:

really looking forward to this Cosmia+Incubadora collaboration in the Artist Stipends :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Uou, excited to see what are coming =)

This proposal follows the Creatives DAO Guidelines, so it is approved by the Community Moderators. Please create a poll on the Creatives DAO astrodao [link: Astro ] so that the council can vote. When and if the vote of the council is ‘yes’, approach NF for your payout proposal, following this guidelines: [New Process] Community Payouts


thanks so much, I did it here https://app.astrodao.com/dao/creatives.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/creatives.sputnik-dao.near-202
and went ahead preparing for new guidelines

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this last days we could work very good on team and our first calls are out, we also did an NFT to timestamp it, and also possible to collect for few bucks :slight_smile:

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We have the found for april:

Gabriela Abreu @gabrielaabreu
Nara Rosetto @nararosetto
Hoana Bonito @Hoana
Viola Sellerino @violasel
can go ahead and make a request on
for 180$ , actually I see is 18NEAR
go ahead!!!

p.s. for the project members I will do a workshop tomorrow on how to manage requests on DAO so anyone can be îndependent (onboarding time of)

Francesca Fretti mormostrix.near
Stefania Giudici stefaniagiudici.near

and new 2 circle member to add, soon news!!!



I love the idea of the workshop. I really need it.

Thank you, @BarbaraTosti

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if you need it you can join tomorrow evening, is a small internal workshop but ping me on Telegram if you want to join @cicatriciebaci

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Hoana I cannot find your request for the stipend on the DAO, please write me if you need help whit it

Thank you so much, Barbara.
I actually need help to access COSMIA

I just can not access my wallet.

Think I should get an sms that I’m not receiving and I just don’t know what to do.

oh, in such case I think better contact the technical support