This proposal is for Twitter Social Media Management.
This is the first time creating a proposal for the Marketing DAO. We do not have a previous report to link to. Last month Hype DAO brought on a new council member @Loam to manage our Twitter Social Media Account. This proposal is for 1 month.
Hype DAO supports independent NFT projects that are run by individual artists or smaller teams. We often work with artists who are just getting started in the NEAR ecosystem. Our Twitter account is the main point of communication with artists seeking support and community.
Three engagement-driving posts per week throughout the month.
Two deep dive posts for the month about NFT collections or creator projects on NEAR. We would feature outstanding projects.
Daily response to engagement and outreach in the form of responding to messages, comments and retweets, ect.
Increase following by 75 new followers/month, and average engagement per tweet should be a notable increase from previous months.
Some metrics will be measured with Twitter Analytics Tools: Tweets, Tweet impressions, Profile Visits, Mentions, New Followers. Other Metric- did we meet the goals of the Milestones?
Work with Hype DAO council members and community to coordinate content. Post content that falls in the following categories: Hype Art Battle, Art Share, Art Collecting, Artist Advice, Happenings in the NEAR NFT World, Engagement Posts, and Blog Articles and Events. Collaborate with other DAO’s and Artists on NEAR to highlight meaningful content for Artists, Creatives and Collectors.
Trial run a twitter-based contest where the prizes are $HYPE token.
Hype DAO has a long history in the NEAR Ecosystem. It is a community platform that educates and supports artists in the NEAR ecosystem. We host Contests- Hype Battle, which gives out prizes and promotes emerging artists. We host Weekly Twitter Spaces that garner a large attendance, and provide opportunities for peers to network. We have over 1,600 Followers on Twitter.
@creativesdao-council strongly suggested we use Marketing DAO and has not approved the social media marketing. The post you are referring to in April was never approved.
We have never worked with @MktngDAO_Advisors So in an effort to keep things simple and efficient we went with Creatives for the Blogging and Twitter Spaces. Those are really community and education projects.
For further clarification perhaps @kodandi or @Ligaya can speak to the collaborations and partnership we have had in the past.
We do not have a spreadsheet. In the past social media management was not a part of our budget. Previous proposals were never approved. We can provide a report of artists we work with in next months report. Our community is tight nit but growing.
We understand the quick moving pace of Crypto and hope to maintain some flexibility to respond in real time to artists needs for support.
To clarify, this is a budget request for a social media community manager. At this point both Creatives Guild and Marketing Guild appear to be running us in a loop. I hope this can be resolved in an efficient manner.
Ok, thanks. I can support your proposal if you create a google form where any NFT artist can promote their collection. It looks like it matched your DAO goals.
Hello There @Dacha im a New elected council of Hype Dao.but im a Member of Creatives Dao in a quite long time.
As Far as i Know in some proposals i encounter before that all related to campaigns and Ads and other events and other social media related to help onboard Artist and More people on near is under marketing dao​.
It was based on my Experience and Observation but please correct me if i am Wrong…
Last april hype dao social media engagement was been rejected for a reason that all campaigns and Ads and all about social media management will be under Marketing dao as moderators adress before and we respect that. Its our first time writing a Proposal here in marketing dao and hoping to learn the process here like Creatives Dao. .
Our initiative is to grow the audience of Twitter accounts by Supporting The Nft artist across the Near Nft Community by Pursuing and supporting them in their collections and guiding them how to start and promote their arts on Near marketplace…
Miss kodandi is hosting a twitter space every week under creatives dao and Creatives support the spaces as a Starting point to meet and Make bond to Other artist to try and Trust near And Other near can offer for everyone.
When we start this initiative of social media management moderators suggest us to start the proposal under marketing Dao we focus to Feed knowledge to Newbies about near protocol by accomodating all their questions and The guidance they need to Learn more about near Protocol…
We are campaigning Near forums Activities What Near protocol can offer To us in our twitter spaces and Twitter post and Some informations through private chats in telegrams.
We also started to have A Group chats in telegram where Newbies in near protocol Learn and explore more about near Ecosystem. . Thats why we try to Propose this social media management here in marketing dao for a reason to expand more oppurtunities to New people in Near Protocol. Maybe in this initiative having this social media management can help more artist and More people to explore and learn about near protocol.
Feedbacks and suggestion is very much appreciated as we are learning everthing step by step. Thank you so much​
Yes and then I experienced how much work it is to manage just one account. I believe that $600 is resonable for Twitter alone. Otherwise the quality of community management will go down substantially.
The April Creative DAO budget was not approved at all and we did not receive funding for the month of April. The budget request was rejected because of the Creatives DAO referred our social media worker position (this one [Proposal] Hype DAO Social Media Budget April 2022) to Marketing DAO. In the month of May we did not receive any funding for social media managment from Creatives DAO or anyone else.
We have been very carefully separating out our “social media worker” from our community building initiatives so that we can put them in a budget for the appropriate DAO. This is VERY challenging because we are not clear on what Marketing DAO or Creatives DAO is considering social media vs. community building. Can someone please clarify this? Because going back and forth is exhausting and HypeDAO just needs to pay someone to keep the social media accounts alive. We are not interested in doing anything as comprehensive as NEAR NFT Club or run complex growth campaigns. We’re just trying to stay alive here. I have no preference who we submit proposals and reports to. Please just clarify, are we requesting funds from Marketing DAO or Creatives DAO for the social media manager?
Hello again @Dacha is it possible If we Adjust our Social media Budget requested here in Marketing Dao in $300 or $400 we will get approved?
We are managing Telegram to cater all the questions and Other guidance we can offer to Everyone and also we will update all what is happening on Hype Dao every month by Sharing the tweets informations and Many more in Our twitter account​.
So Far we are planning that we will keep Twitter account More active than before. Waiting For feedback From the Team​
As we planned, we are planning to Featured Hype Artist and other Dao collaboration as well as Tweet some Hype battles and many more .
We also plan to have collaborations with Different Nft Projects using Our Hype Dao account. Not Everyone on Near Knows about Near Forum and Other Projects and Dao’s can offer thats why we aim to Be more active in twitter to spread about What near can offer and What is in Near.