Now that the poll for this proposal is approved we need to set the target wallet to hypetreasury.near This wallet already has KYC with NEAR Foundation and HypeDAO does not want to go through KYC again if we can avoid it.
@cryptocredit Please advise. Thank You!
Good evening, did you include the wallet in the google form ?
yes. just wanted to update it here in the thread too.
@kodandi if you have requested for the funds be paid to the correct wallet you should receive the payout in due course.
Just looked at your Poll and you need to add Target Wallet address. This can be done in a comment on the Poll.
Please remember that you will also need to sign the Hellosign form that will be emailed to you before payment can be made. This is in addition to completing KYC
Hope that helps
Thanks so much for your help!
I am still unclear as to whether KYC needs to be completed again for Marketing DAO? @kodandi has already completed it for Creatives DAO.
Can you let us know?
P.S. I added the wallet address as a comment on the Poll: hypetreasury.near
Thanks again!