DAO: Graffbase Project: Participation of Graffbase DAO in web3 Conf GOA
Council Member: @Dedeukwu@Albhion@Ligaya Target Address : graffiti.sputnik-dao.near
GOA People and their Community are very creative and love Graffiti Arts, Through the Web3 Con Event, we are likely to Onboard the Graffiti artist from Web2 to Web3 Space. As Our Tagline itself says Graffiti DAO - Graffbase is on Mission to Onboard and support graffiti Artists on Near Space.
As we already got the approval for Booth :
Goa is Filled with Graffiti artists and this is the best way to onboard the graffiti artist in GOA, as they are highly talented and Graffbase will support and onboard them on Near Mintbase to Mint their Graffiti Artwork.
Also After the Event, We are Going to Make a Survey to Check Graffiti artists and their Interest in NFTs. These Will Help to get more people onboard on Near Ecosystem.
We also Going to Onboard Indian Graffiti artists for the event So they can Also Promote Our DAO in India and WorldWIde Globally.
Expecting to Onboard Graffiti Artist 30-50 Candidates + Hosting a Virtual Call with them to explain to them about Near and Mintbase
We are Requesting Some Funds From Marketing DAO Council for this Event.
Poster Design 50x = 100$
Travelling + Stay Expense + Food = 300$
Stickers | Swags ( Graffiti Tshirts ) = 300$
All-Access Pass (As only two passes will be given to sponsors) - $100
Hey @Albhion – We recently approved funding for other teams related to this event. Are you receiving funds from the funding approved by proposals from @Srilakshmi or @Monish016 for this?
My other question is how this event is a good way to reach graffiti artists who may not already know about NEAR. My first thought on reading this was, if they are in Web2, why will they be at this Web3 conference? I understand why you’d want to get funding to go to the event, but the proposal itself seems like it may not be the best way to reach this audience or achieve the goal you’ve outlined here.
Yes, this is the same proposal for WEB3 Con Event -
As I mentioned in the proposal about graffiti and graffiti people are more likely to see at GOA, Graffiti DAO is for all the People by the Graffiti or a Digital Artist, Previous Namastey Event we got pretty good response and we got 15 Graffiti Artist Onboarded.
My Ask is not for graffiti Events, My Request for funding as a whole promote NEAR Ecosystem in this Event, Graffiti DAO is part of Near Ecosystem.
Previous Event @Albhion@johanga@Srilakshmi@Monish016. We are proudly presenting the whole Near Ecosystem Project and looking for the same in the Web3 Con Event.
GOA is Full of Culture ART, and Graffiti, and I Beleive this is the right place to get onboard New Graffiti artists on Near - Graffbase + Attending Events also can be more collaboration Near Space.
Also, I am Gonna DO the open Survey after the Event, To Get onboard them on Graffiti DAO, Through Educating them about Web3, NFTs, Near, and Mintbase .
Verdict :
My requesting Funds not for only One DAO, but Whole Near Ecosystem.
Exactly. I don’t think they’ll be attending this event.
Is the proposal for your Goa Survey or attending this event? I don’t see how attending this event would bring value to Graffiti DAO, do you’ve any plans for what you’re going to do at event or have plans for a general survey just after the event?
Hello @Kv9990, as I already mentioned, I am not attending as a Graffbase representative, I am attending this event as Near Community Builder Representative, As I am Community DAO Council Member.
Just How I attended Namastey NFT Event and As Speaker, I talk about Near and Near DAO system. Ill is joining the same .as speaker, as a builder in this Event.
About the Graffiti as I mentioned, I’ll do the survey with them after the event in some places in goa to onboard web2 artists and educate and onboard them to Graffbase DAO
Attaching my previous Video as I speak about Near Protocol
I know the funding process will be delayed it’s totally fine for me, but need to get approval asap as I am buying the web3 con tickets and booking else they not be able to get web3con ticket passes.
There’s already Naksh and Kalakendra DAO representing NEAR Community
Give me a reason what difference you’ll make attending the event and what extra value you’ll add. If it’s just for attending the event, I can also do that, @rahulgoel007@mukuls9971@jiten123321 can also do that
Yes, Sure you can join us, but after the event, my two days of the survey going to happen in that we are onboarding graffiti artists to our dao, we recently got a partnership and are already taking to some foundations like DOI and Swaraj NFTs project web3.
We are Growing Graffiti Artist by Daily as I myself organizing the first event for NGO in Graffiti Art Contest the Plans are lineup. Stay tune for more updates
Speakers are already fixed as you can see on their website. You are not invited as a speaker.
You clearly said that you will be representing graffiti DAO and onboard artists, now you are turning from your words saying you want to go as NEAR Community representative. Please watch and stick your words,
I already mentioned Everything, From the first Proposal. GOA is Small State but arts are very likely to see there, Kindly check my proposal again, As I told I will be an Onboard web2 artist to web3 whether it’s an event and survey.
@Dacha please do check whom we’re approving to represent NEAR
Others get the wrong impression that he’s working officially for NEAR from his Community DAO Council description as others won’t be knowing what’s Community DAO and confuse it for Community Team [Check the ss he posted, shubh from @NEAR_Protocol.
The representative should clear out that anyone from NEAR Community can represent us in any events
You are right just like the Namastey NFT event, speakers are already fixed, but then too I requested and me @johanga and goa-dao member got an opportunity to speak.
Please be clear if you are going as a Graffbase DAO Council or NEAR Representative. At one point you say you are not representing Graffiti DAO and at one point you say this.