Funding Creative activites of GoaDAO in July 2022
Project Members:
Target: goa-dao.sputnik-dao.near
Funding Scheme: Monthly
Total Requested Funding Amount: 2500 usd
Current Balance: 319.7 usd
Previous report is here
Roadmap and Updates of GoaDAO are detailed here:
Projects :
- Bounty : create poster/sticker from visual identity
post it on Instagram/Twitter and forum; tag GoaDAO (and your DAO) and get NEAR
620 usd
- Bounty : creating wearables for NEARhub from NEAR Fashion NFT-collection
is NEAR Fashion project part 2
1300 usd - Council work - 550 usd
2500 usd
Metrics :
- number of participants in all the bounties and artworks created
- number of social media engagements of posts about projects - like share reposts
- number of tags of goadao during this month in Instagram and Twitter, reach and engagement
- number of onboarded artists/created wallets thankful to instagram and Twitter promo-actions
- number of collaborated in this project artists and DAOs on NEAR
- number of designers that will join to NEAR Fashion community (answers, questions, collaborations)
detailed metrics and value of each project is described inside every link
@creativesdao-council wish you an amazing day!