[Approved for $1850] Near x Art November, December

Report for Quarter 2 here

Project 1 (Paint & Create with Near BOS)

Description: We are hosting the 3rd edition of biggest web 3 art & cultural event. This time around, we are introducing the Near BOS to it. Not just the tech savvy people should understand how Near BOS works but creatives too. Creatives are the brainbox behind any platform or Decentralized application that is being utilized so therefore, they have to be aware of this emerging technology.
Expected outcome: Account retention:
- 50% of 250+ attendees will post on Near Social during and after the event with hashtag paint&create with Near.
- All attendees will learn about web 3 in relation to Near and how to utilize their wallet in whichever career path they are in.
- 40% of attendees will mint NFTs and explore various Near marketplaces.
Account acquisition cost:
2,200/250 = $8.8 per account.
Median number of dApps:
Near wallets, Near.socials, mintbase, Sharddog, Satori,
Number of Account retained for 1+ week:
150+ accounts
Social engagement score:
Minimum of 50,000 impression across all socials.
Educate 150 - 200 creatives about the basics of Near BOS (with the support of Chloe, the plug and other BOS builders in Near) and how they can leverage this emerging technology to their craft.
Collaborate with Dapps over Apps; a Near tech community focused
Train creatives interested in developing with BOS with existing educational resources from the BOS builders Dao.
Onboard creative artists to Near x Art online platform; fanartiks.art
Near wallet creation with Shard.do and interaction with Near Dapps.(Nearxart already has a custom onboarding link with shard.dog)
NFT ticketing will be employed with the use of satori.art
50 -80+ attendee will create a Near social account and post their artsworks
100+ sign ups on Near x Art marketplace; FanArtiks.art which is currently on over 120+ artist sign ups.
Organic growth and unique active wallet of 50+ from usage of Near.social ,Soul bound token, minting of artworks and wallet creation.
Invite 2 -4 renowned artistes in web 2 & web 3 space to talk about how blockchain technology can revolutionize the art/creatives economy.
Activities & timelines: Education on the basics of Near BOS with the aid of a billboard screen for visual representation.
Intense training session before and after the event on BOS layouts by experts in the Near ecosystem ( @chloe, the plug, and other dev in BOS builders Dao.
Easy onboarding process with Nearxart customed Shard.dog link
BOS competition prior to the event and after the event
NFT ticketing system to get access to drinks and snacks at the event (similar to Coffee service at NearApac)
Art training session by @Adeclassic, @ Faithnime
Intro and interaction with IAMHUMAN, Near horizon, Near.social, W3music, etc
Person to Person NFT sales at the event will take place.
Lagos Nigeria
Budget: Venue - $350
Art Materials - $350
Shard.dog Near - $150: ($1.5 * 100) : For wallet activation, minting and gas fee.
Manual Book - $100: This pamphlet will feature the QR code guide on how to mint & interact with Dapps on Near, list of different guild/community in the ecosystem with their role, mission and vision.
Logistics & welfare package for educators - $300
Refreshment - $400:** This is limited to firs 80-100 attendees. An estimate of $5 per head ($5 * 100= $400)
Physical & Online promotion for the event - $150
Event mc & music service - $150
Video & photography - $300 :
Total: 2,250

Project 2

Project 2 (NearxArt BOS bounty in collaboration with Dapps over Apps community)
Dapps over Apps have hosted series of technical workshop for builder, some of which are highlighted below:

a. intro to building a Dapp
b. Workshop on building a voting Dapp

Description: This bounty is for creators, creative builders and developers interested in building native solution for Nearxart Creatives communuty that will aggregate our NFTs, members portfolio and in real life activities on Near BOS. In addition, it will promote the use of Near Dapps.
Expected outcome: Account retention:
100% of participants will have to create a wallet and interact with widgets on BOS and other tools that will be forked to complete this bounty,
Account Acquisition:
750/40 = $18.8 per account.
Median number of dApps
Near.social, Mintbase, Satori.art, Near wallet, Astrodao.
One criteria to participate in this bounty is to get yourself familiar with Near Dapps & tools.
Number of accounts retained for 1+ week
Social engagement score:
Social media impression of up to 10,000+ from participants
Establish Nearxart widget on Near BOS
Educate developers and creators from Dapps over Apps community about Near BOS
Create opportunities for developers to explore and fork with BOS components.
Open bounty to create a solution that aggregates NearxArt events and real-life solutions
Custom page for NearxArt NFTs
Activities & timelines: Collaborate with Dapps over Apps in the BOS bounty
Onboard creative builders from other communities to work on this bounty
Budget: 1st winner : $350
2nd winner: $200
3rd winner: $100
Promotion, visual representation, graphics & social media campaign: $100
Total: $750

Project 3

Project 3 (Facilitating the creator’s economy in Near)

Description: Near x art dao is a community that focuses onboarding local artist to web 3 through the creation and integration of NFTs to physical artworks. Fanartiks.art is a platform for the sales of physical NFTs and collectibles, we have decided to support creators of wearable and collectibles.
Expected outcome: Account retention:
Local artists will get familiar with all Dapps on Near.
Basic training on how to use Dapp related to their field for optimum account retention.
Creators(participants) will have atleast 15likes in their works posted on Near social. That is, 15 of their followers will need to create a wallet to engage.
Account acquisition:
We are supporting 5 creators with a requirement of 15+ likes on Near social from their existing audience. 15 * 5 = 75
500/75 = 6.6/account.
Usage of Dapps:
Mintbase, Near.social, I am human, Wallets.
Number of account after 1week
Social media impressions:
2,000+ on Twitter & Instagram
Creation of wearables and collectables that will be minted as an NFT and also be minted in Near x Art platform Fanartiks.art
BOS education for creators to continually use BOS for optimizing their works/collectibles/NFTs/.
Creation of Near wallet and Near.social profile
Educate newbies on how to mint, importance of joining a community in the Near ecosystem, opportunities as a creative in web 3.
Onboard 5 - 10 creators
Video creation of the process of these arts
Promotion of this art on their platforms to potential buyers.
Activities & timelines: Education and training
Regular post on Near.social highlighting the progress of their projectsn
Physical meetings
BOS training
Material purchase
Budget: $100 - $150 for 4 - 5 established artistes = $500

Who are the creators?: These artists are creators who have existing web2 audience. The essence of this initiative is to onboard them and their existing audience to web 3 via Near.
(Prospective receivers)

Remuneartion Cost Breakdown Duration
$1,500: Four core team members Supervision of project November, December, January
Reviewing Nearxart BOS bounty November, December, January
Brainstorming of proposal November,December,January
Community building November, December,January
Education November,December, January
Event planning November, December, January
Graphics designing November, December, January
NFT quality assurance for Phydigital art November, December, January
Community call/AMA November, December, January

Near x Art on Youtube

Near x Art on twitter

Near x Art on Telegram

Total request number: $5,000 Usdc

**DAO on-chain address (target wallet): nearxart.sputnik-dao.near

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Dear @Supercoolkay
Thank you for your proposal. After careful revision of your proposal, your objectives, and the KPIs provided by the HoM, we are happy to support your proposal. However, we believe that some of your expected outcomes can be achieved with a decreased amount of funding. Therefore, we are pleased to approve $1850 with the following details:

  1. Project 1
  1. Remuneration for NEARxArt
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