DAO: arrozcriativo.sputnik-dao.near
Expense history
Current balance
Council members: @roadworks @raquelareia @plantasia
Hello, Creatives!
In June 2022, Arroz Criativo is applying for the funding of the following proposals:
- NEAR Hub - With our NEAR Hub now up and running, we kindly request the payment of the third and final part of the budget approved in March. 1356$
Please, see the details here
- Vozes do Futuro | Vozes do Futuro (Future Voices) is a yearly music and digital arts festival celebrating all creative endeavors from the BIMPOC community. This proposal will launch Eddington Again into the world of NEAR. 1000$
Please, see the details here
- Black Cat Cinema | Following on our May opening sold-out sessions of The Black Cat Cinema, we are producing another four open-air shows through June. 495$
Please, see the details here
- Pride Live Painting Session | As Arroz Estúdios Pride Week will only feature artists from the LGBTQ+ community, our Shillin’ n’ Chillin’ will celebrate queer creatives with a special Q&A session, and we would also like to invite the multidiscliplinary artist Gadutra to a live painting session outside VanDAO, at Arroz Estúdios. The painting process will later stream onto CryptoVoxels and Twitch. 220$
Please, see the details here
- Support for crypto-meetups in Arroz’ NEAR Hub | We want to surf on the momentum after the successful installation of our NEAR Hub and need to improve the sound system, in order to produce open-air Q&A summer sessions. 225$
Please see details here
- Community management, workshops & DAO council work | 30% of total budget. 1500$
Audience (through door): Weekly, it attracts from 20 to 60 people, per event. The average would be 120 per month.
NEAR Wallet: If we consider previous editions, we create 5 to 8 NEAR wallets per event. 30 new wallets per month.
Vozes do Futuro
The most relevant outcome here is the integration of artists from the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) scene with NEAR. The line-up brings together N▲N▼, Eddington Again (Live Performance) and Dj Neana.
Audience (through door): 200 (via Enrollmint a.ka. 200 new wallets created)
Black Cat Cinema
Audience (through door), both regular and NFT tickets:
07/06: Sold out - 100
14/06: Sold out -100
20/06: 90 (projection)
21/06: 100 (projection)
28/06: 100 (projection)
Total 490 | New memberships estimated at 85%
Pride Live Painting Session
An important outcome here is the integration of the multidisciplinary artist Gadutra. As a product, the live painting session will later stream onto CryptoVoxels and Twitch, with an estimated audience of 50.
Support for crypto-meetups
Our Shillin’ n’ Chillin’ sessions are held weekly in the NEAR Hub, casually discussing topics of relevance to the NEAR ecosystem. June’s meetups are going to be hosted around the NEAR Hub, in open-air. The topics are:
8.06.22 | NFTs can be more than JPGs’ links!, with Alexander Watanabe
15.06.22 | Algo-stable coins design & ecosystem, with Sergeev Danil, Senior Exchange Developer at Exodus
22.06.22 | Pride Week Special, with Vozes do Futuro and Pedro Queirós (Queer crypto art gallery)
29.02.22 | TBA
Total: 4796$
Funding Period: June 2022
Wallet: arrozestudios.near
Thank you for your support, Creatives.
Stay creative! Be happy!
Arroz Team