- Name & NEAR Account ID (NEAR Wallet)
Nara Rosetto @nararosetto
wallet - nararosetto.near
- Location (city and country)
Port, Portugal
- Social media handle(s)
- Website/Online Portfolio if applicable
- Artist Statement - tell us about your practice and artistic intent; max. 5-10 sentences
Nara Rosetto, artista de 34 anos de idade com sede entre São Paulo,Brasil e Porto, Portugal. Através de diários, fotografias, performances e têxteis procura criar colecções sobre vulnerabilidade, especialmente sobre o corpo da mulher em peças que revelam fragilidade e invisibilidade.
Nara Rosetto, 34 year old artist based in between São Paulo,Brazil and Porto, Portugal. Through diaries, photo, performance and textiles she seeks to create collections on vulnerability, especially about the women’s body in pieces that reveal fragility and invisibility
- Blurb of Current/Planned Project - what kind of work will this stipend allow you to pursue?; max. 5 sentences
“Tudo deixa rastro, memória é cicatriz, é tesouro” (i.wilker).
Baseado na filosofia no kitsungi (reparo com ouro), a série Vestígios, peças de porcelana com cicatrizes destacadas em ouro, busca valorizar a história e memórias do corpo feminio. A bolsa será usada para compra de materiais (silicone, gesso, porcelana, verniz, pó de ouro), queima e registro em áudio das histórias por trás das cicatrizes.
“Everything leaves a trace, scar is memory, it is treasure” (i.wilker).
Based on the philosophy of kitsungi (repair with gold), the Trace series, pieces of porcelain with scars highlighted in gold, seeks to value the history and memories of the women. The stipend will be used to purchase materials (silicone, plaster, porcelain, varnish, gold dust), kiln firing and audio recording of the stories behind the scars.
- Previous samples of your work - max. 4 pieces (if not already on social media and/or a website or virtual portfolio)
all there <3