As I start working on various things on NEAR, all related to generative art, communities, and social tokens I wanted to create a Topic as it helps me keep my resources in one place and create a reliable track record of what I’ve been focusing on weekly.
The main resources are updated down here and the weekly retrospectives will be in the replies.
YSN | docs : a set of guides and resources related to the creator’s stack.
YSN | components : a set of elements and components to put together front-ends.
SHARE: artistic patterns created on-chain, highly inspired by Autoglyphs.
YSN: social token mined by using the above projects with various utilities.
I’ve mostly been concluding, merging, and making sure the front-end refactor does not break. Started integrating my ML generative art projects into the YSN repository, but just started; trying to conclude this week. Also bought and wrote down initial docs at
Finally started lettering down what I’m trying to do long-term: [Ideation] YSN bootstrap - #5 by yassine and reached out to the grant team.
Next 7 days priorities —
It’s all still alpha but I’m happy about the direction. I’ll keep integrating the generative art projects, document the parts, adapt the smart contracts, and just keep experimenting.
I’ve been adding issues to YSN, starting the Storybook for components and working on making YSN more dev-friendly by writing the new ML art project contracts as references implementations.
Also been refactoring generative-art to become the creative-code guild with Chloe.
Next 7 days priorities —
I will keep working on the NFT reference implementation for the ML projects, integrate Arweave, adapt the front-end and the CLI utils for the new direction.
I finished moving and integrating the first ML projects into the repository.
Next 7 days priorities —
tl;dr / Handle multiple projects on the front-end
Working on a good way to switch between NFT contracts on project switch on front-end.
After that, merge and deploy. Keep working on contracts scaffold.
I finished moving and integrating the second ML project into the repository and figured out a mid-term solution for switching between projects. Also, working on the CLI commands and keep adapting the project to forks. Merge big PR (the next ones should be faster and smaller).
Next 7 days priorities —
tl;dr / Scaffold and document
Document repository, integrate more components into Storybook, write Sandbox tests and clean up front-end from hardcoded variables. Review NFT standards and make sure it’s implemented as specified. Try to integrate SHARE into NFT contract so I only have to maintain that: should support different type of projects (ML, creative code and normal content types).
This week, I focused on rolling back some parts like the social token experimentation and just focus on having one NFT contract for creative code projects and one Market contract to support it.
Next 7 days priorities —
tl;dr / Refactoring
Merge open PR, use new contracts to try out some ArtBlocks projects.
Keep cleaning up and wrapping things up (cause I’m burning out a little).
Front-end design-driven improvements
Added some components to StoryBook and added pages and components to support the NFT list for the owner, to see details and showcase creative code deployed to Arweave.
Also added a couple of ArtBlocks example to test the flexibility of components and smart contract: Apparitions and Squiggles. These will not go on mainnet but it’s a good way to show creative coders what’s possible.
Next 4 weeks —
I will focus more on community (with @chloe’s support) and not add too many functionalities, just complete what’s missing and iterate on what’s already there.