[Welcome] INC4 Guild Introduction

[Monthly Update] Hi dearest Guild-fellows! :hugs:

Presenting to your attention the INC4 Guild September activities report:

:zebra: We’ve automated the NEAR Guilds’ info updates in the directory straight from the github upon data commit to the repos :inbox_tray: So, all Guilds’ details can be added / edited / updated by submitting a PR and the ES team will merge it for you. Instructions are here in case you’ve missed them.

:hamster: The pizza application for @arroz-criativo is almost finished and will soon be ready to be submitted to Google Play Market :100:

  • frontend completed
  • QR code scan functionality in the Admin app completed
  • backend for logging in and storing internal data (list of employees, information about dishes) completed
  • test version of NEAR Wallet authorisation completed
  • minor backend fixes completed
  • testing in progress
  • awaiting Google Play Market from @arroz-criativo to start preparing deploy

:wolf: The team has also started work on a new project - the NEAR Week forum development :rocket: for @JPALHUMAIDAN Check out the new cool designs :star_struck: in our Figma! Hope the community will like it and find it super-informative and easy-to-use!

:deer: Implemented updates to the Astro :star2: landing.

:lion: We’ve made fantastic progress on the Principal Payment DeFi platform’s flows and mock-ups with the Sankore 2.0 . It’s a great pleasure to work with such a talented and eager team! :purple_heart:

:frog: Finally, we’re honoured to receive an invitation to participate in the NEAR Con in Lisbon! We’re coming with the whole team and will be super-excited to meet everybody in person! The INC4 Guild will host a stand during the event, so see you guys there! :boom: @mecsbecs thank you very much for making us part of it! :pray: