DAO Name: DAOrecords
Position: Project Manager
Report for the month and year: July 2022
Proposed objectives: [PROPOSAL] Project Manager | DAOrecords | July 2022
Accomplished objectives:
Coordination with Community Partners
Active participation in meetings, AMA, DAOrecords operating chats
Cash Flow excel file coordination
Summary & Retrospect on the Soundsplash series:
12 weeks of SoundSplash passed as 3 days for me, so much was happening, a lot of cool releases, team discussions and vibes in DAOrecords’ CV parcel. In July, I focused on additional funding to DAOrecords from Creatives DAO and Marketing DAO, as ussual I cordinated community parnetrs cross collaboration, also in this month I took care about cash flow of the DAO and coordinated the team payouts.
During this time, I’ve noticed that few of the community partners doesn’t realy care what others are doing, and they are mostly focused around their activties, which is understadable at some point, however during this early times, joining forces between DAOs, especially covering entertaiment activites, would be helpful and it’s needed. With that said, hype for MusicNFTs hasn’t yet come in my opinion, the ecosystem is missing an easy to use tools which will allow users to mint and coordinate their releases, and manage the splits.
NEAR wallet name: crans.near
Hours contributed: 60
Total requested funds: $1500
This report will be used to request a reward of $1500.