[REPORT] Near Korea DAO November 2023

Hi everyone,

We are excited to share with you our November 2023 report for the NEAR Korea DAO community.

Previous Proposal:

[Approved] Near Korea DAO Monthly Marketing and Community Growth Budget - October - Marketing / MarketingDAO - NEAR Forum

Guild name: NEAR Korea DAO

AstroDAO: nearkoreadao.sputnik-dao.near

Approved amount October: $3,000

Near.social of all core team members:

Introduction of our team members has been published on Near Social

Stay connected with us via our social media channels:

Main content:

54 follow-up news items (Total views: 25,000 views from Telegram, X, Naver , Near.Social and other platforms.)

11 Infographics (Total views:11,000 from Telegram, X, Naver , and other platforms.):

2 Articles (Total views: 2,000 from Telegram, X, Naver , Medium, Naver Premium Contents and other platforms.):

2 Tutorials :

1 Partnerships :


Events :

NEAR Korea DAO Social Community, BOS Development Event with IamHuman authentication

This event serves as a testament to the effectiveness of our strategies. During this event:

  • Students from Korea Universities have submitted more than 16 BOS proposals 397 people voted in this poll

:point_down: The number of votes is as follows.

Number of Votes | Submitted Component
265 15.
132 16.

  1. Roll The Dice Component
  2. Unofficial KoreaDAO Landing Page
  3. Slide Component
  4. Tab Navigation Component
  5. Daehun Component
  6. Calendar Component
  7. Resume Form Component
  8. Onboarding Starter Fork
  9. My Profile Component
  10. Calendar Component
  11. Resume Form Component
  12. My Profile Component
  13. Tab Navigation Component
  14. Slide Component
  15. KoreanHangmanGame
  16. CalculatorKoreaDAO
  • over 2,000 posts were curated and shared on Near.Social
  • over 5,000 transactions were executed on-chain, underscoring the active engagement of our community.
  • Over 38 users have used the IamHuman authentication.

The triumphant success of this event exemplifies the potential and vigor of our community. It not only confirms the impact of our strategies but also sets the benchmark for future initiatives.

:spiral_calendar: Event Dates: From November 17 to December 15, 2023 (ends at 12 PM KST)

The NEAR Korea DAO Social Community BOS Development Event is still happening during these dates.

Participants in this event will receive a share of $500 as rewards.

:gift: Bitget and NearKoreaDAO Partnership Celebration Event: $30 worth of $NEAR airdrop event for new member registration on Bitget.

Reward Distribution Details

  • Indonesian account - 5.6 NEAR
  • Korean account - 16.77 NEAR

Upcoming Monthly Plans:

  • Onboarding new users to BOS, ensuring ongoing engagement via Monthly Activity Leaderboards.
  • Publishing December 2023 proposal.
  • Forming partnerships with NEAR ecosystem projects.
  • Growing our social media presence, focusing on Near Social.
  • Product development on BOS.
  • Developer Outreach: Engage with local developer teams and universities keen on BOS projects, offering support to foster innovation in the NEAR ecosystem.
  • Introducing a bounty for developers interested in or already working on BOS projects.

Your inputs and collaborations are most welcome! If you wish to join our team, feel free to contact me on Telegram: @coineazy.

We appreciate your support, and we look forward to more exciting times ahead!

Thank you Community, @marketingdao-council, @Dacha, @cryptocredit, @johanga, @so608 advisors, and all concerned parties, Happy day, everyone :raised_hands: