Project/Council Members:




Target: lens.sputnik-dao.near

Current Balance: 1544.40 USD (130.4383 N)

Introduction: Yes we cam! 2

Follow us on our socials: (DAO socials to be created this month)

Tribe Films

Camcat PT


Paid out:

Still to be paid out:


We created the DAO this month and started to work on our first 2 projects, individual reports can be found in the according posts mentioned above. Due to bad weather conditions we had to postpone the outdoor shoot for the smokedfalmon video project a couple times. But we finally shot most of the outdoor scenes in the week between 25th and 29th of April and all went well. The remaining scenes will be shot in the middle of May. Editing is starting now and a small “behind the scenes” video will be published soon.

Regarding the Freedom Dance project we had ideal weather and tide conditions to perform the shoot on the 29the April. At the moment it is in post-production phase.

Next steps:

In May we are looking forward to onboarding a new council member who will also support us in the community management and admin activities as well as social media. We will work again with muti at the Cabeça na Lua event which will take place in Montemor-o-Novo on the 28th of May, finish the smokedfalmon video shoot and will start creating our social media channels. LENS DAO is open to collaborate with other DAOs and artists in the ecosystem, get in touch with us if you have a project idea in mind :slight_smile:

Join our Telegam group for more info :slight_smile:

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Hi Everyone!

I am very happy to present my first video for the LENS DAO made in April and I want to give a special thanks to Chris (@roadworks) , BĂ©ya (@chinyere.near) and Tabea [tabear].

Hope you guys enjoy.
