[Report]Jazz DAO June Report

Guild : Jazz DAO
Treasury : jazzdao.sputnik-dao.near
Council Members : @vicentetbh , @pan_tastick , @squattingPigeon

Dear members and moderators,

Our June budget was and still is delayed (as was our May budget) due to restructuring within the Creatives DAO. Our June budget is still not delivered due to NF staff being on holidays or some other obscure reason so we’ve built up debt as a result. Some of our events had to be canceled and one we could reprogram suffered from promotional opportunity .
As a result:
We could not register as an association
We could not stake anything for commercial premises
We could not commission a new logo
Both our events for Santos Populares and Amor records were canceled.
Our event for Cosmos CAC was canceled and reinstated so suffered from a lack of promotion resulting in low attendance.
We were able to deliver our event with our institutional partner Carpintarias de Sao Lazaro on the the 3rd July. We’re still gathering/processing documentation to be published on our socials.
All payments and onboarding are currently pending.

We still promoted our funders the Creatives DAO and Near protocol with everyone we interacted with as we are being asked about how we can make these events happen. This includes other DAOs from other protocols, partners of Carpintarias which include art dealers and other cultural associations in attendance that have taken an interest in what we do.

Thank you!