[REPORT] Indonesia Guild Near June 2023

Hallo Near Community,

I am eagerly looking forward to sharing our June 2023 report with you for the Indonesia Guild community.

Previous proposal:
[Approved 3550] Near Indonesia June 2023

Guild name: NEAR Indonesia Guild
User June: kuhaku.near

AstroDAO account ID : near-indonesia.sputnik-dao.near

Approved amount June: $3,550

Current core team members:

Stay connected with us via our social media channels:

Twitter: x.com

Telegram: Telegram: Contact @NEARIndonesiaHQ

Telegram announcement: Telegram: Contact @nearindonesianews

Medium: Telegram: Contact @NEARIndonesiaHQ

Tiktok: TikTok - Make Your Day

Youtube: https://youtube.com/@nearindonesia4368

Website: (Maintenance)

Instagram: NEAR Indonesia 🇮🇩 (@nearguildindonesia) • Instagram photos and videos

I AM Human Competition:

The Near Indonesia community ranks second in the I AM HUMAN onboarding competition. (24 Jun 2024)

Articles News Content Bahasa

AMA & Offline Event with local Community

  • Near Indonesia x Tokocrypto (Tokocrypto is Indonesia’s no. 1 most trusted crypto assets digital exchange and the first entity in Indonesia to be registered under the Trade and Futures Exchange Ministry (BAPPEBTI). Whether you’re a first-time investor or a professional trader, Tokocrypto has covered you both!)

  • Near Indonesia x Reku (Reku is a leading Indonesian cryptocurrency exchange that provides our users with a powerful and trusted platform to invest, buy, and sell many crypto assets.)

  • Near Indonesia x JumpDefi (Jump Defi allows projects to onboard their NFT collections to the Jump staking platform to earn their native project tokens, ACOVA, and JUMP)

  • Near Indonesia x Metapool ( Metapools is a new concept to Curve Finance, it allows a single coin to be pooled with all the coins in another (base) pool without diluting its liquidity. Currently, the most common base pool is the 3Pool. It uses the three most liquid stable coins (USDT-USDC-DAI).)


Near Social

Tiktok & Short Videos

The video heading was created by Near Indonesia

Infographics and Instagram:

Our agenda for the approaching month encompasses:

  1. We will persist in conducting I AM Human onboarding initiatives.
  2. Acquiring new users for BOS through onboarding.
  3. Share a proposal for July 2023.
  4. Engage in partnerships with local crypto communities in Indonesia.
  5. Enhance the growth of our social media platforms, particularly Near Social and Keypom.
  6. Develop products on BOS.
  7. Organize an offline event to educate developers in Indonesia on utilizing BOS.

Thank you!
@rc-admins @marketingdao-council


Thank you for your excellent report.