[PROPOSAL] - Workshop about NEAR opportunities in Lisbon, Portugal during FLIP SIDE event

Hi! I am glad to clarify the question below:

  • I have a great experience working with NEAR as I have been a project manager of the Open Web Sandbox project. We will be happy as well to collaborate with Mintbase in case the proposal is approved. :rocket:
  • I have joined NEAR in 2021 and since then I worked with more than 50 projects on NEAR in the framework of Open Web Sandbox (testimonials and forum posts can be found on the forum by the same tag). I enjoy the experience of helping people to transition from web2 to web3 and NEAR is the best playground for it!
    As well I was chosen as a Europe Council Member for Regional DAO, a project that unfortunately didn’t move forward. However, my self-nomination post has details of my bio within NEAR: [Proposal] Council Member Self-Nomination to Regional DAO - #7 by AnaNastya
  • Yes, definitely! FLIP SIDE is planned as a monthly event, so we could include the NEAR in each of them and have activation every month. Also, we definitely want to have DAO for collectives that will participate constantly and mint their digital works through MIntbase. Moreover, one of the program’s perks in the discussion panel with big pt projects about digital art such as Muro, OffChain, etc, we would be glad to include NEAR/Mintbase in the panel.
    So, summarizing, we want to be involved in NEAR through DAO in the future, giving monthly venue and visibility.

I hope this clarifies your doubts, and I will be glad to provide more details if needed!

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