Hello everyone I remain @Sammiee Nxm discord moderator.
In the past two months the NxM discord have gradually seen members get verified and in the last month we have also seen more members take part in the Discord Trivia.
This participation in the month of April got us winners and rewards where given, please feel free to revert to my April Discord report [Report] NXM discord management and Trivia for April 2022
The report shows good signs of growth for our community and a huge opportunity to increase community engagement and active participation.
I am proposing The Trivia for the month of may as we continue to grow members and grow engagement in the server and the Ecosystem at large.
Requesting: $60 5.5 N
Target: sammiee.near
@Monish016 @Paul @williamx @NxM for visibility
Dear @Sammiee,
Please be informed that your proposal has been approved!
Feel free to request 50% of the requested funds to NxM.
Once your project will be ready please share your artworks and details with NxM Social Media Team in order to promote it on Twitter and Instagram - Telegram: Contact @nxmsocialmedia
We are implementing a new process of NxM membership via NEAR Guilds App, please join there, as stated wallets there will have privilege to request funding from NxM.
In order to join, please do the following steps:
- Open NEAR Guilds App https://app.nearguilds.com
- Find NxM Guild
- Log to the app using your NEAR wallet
- Join the community using your NEAR wallet!
Also, feel free to leave your feedback here, when you will be doing the report, after the delivered show.
Thanks, will follow the instructions
Hi @Sammiee, this one is good to go in full budget request. Already saw your DAO proposal.
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Yes bro I did so
The request for Trivia is for $60
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@rhymetaylor am trying to connect you on telegram
please kindly reach out to me
Sammiee.near on telegram