[PROPOSAL] Travel Funding for The Kin DAO x Primordia DAO as NEAR Ambassadors @ Tribeca Film Festival & NFT.NYC

Providing our results & metrics from this event:

  • Onboard 11 new DAOs to AstroDAO (44 total this year with the Primordia DAO project)
  • Distributed 103 NEAR Wallets
  • Distributed 153 NEAR NFTS
  • Received 384 Visits on our Convergence Satori NFT Campaign
  • Received 203 Visits on our Sporiferous Satori NFT pre-Campaign
  • Collected 246 emails
  • Distributed 320 Event Tickets
  • Produced 15 Professional Social Media Graphics for our event
  • Complied Press List of 59 potential leads from Rising DAO
  • Twitter:
    • Posted 55 posts
    • Gained 70 Mentions
    • 229K Impressions
    • 10.1K Profile Visits
    • 134 New Followers
    • One of our Top Tweets was our promotional tweet for our event which received:
      • 165 Engagements
      • 1558 Impressions
  • Released 2 Event Press Releases
  • Featured in 1 Journalism Piece
  • Produced an Introduction Promo Video for our project made by Seven Vision DAO
  • Produced a Recap Video of our Event
  • Updated our Website to include a fuller inclusion of all we offer



  • The biggest challenge that affected us during this event was the funding timeline. We officially sent in our proposal 5 weeks before our event on May 18th and received our funding June 16th. This gave us one week (5 business days) to put in orders, pay for our event space and launch our marketing campaign to fill the space on June 23rd. Because of this timeline we were unable to execute several planned activities such as having our NFT & CoFee Cart present, giving away chocolate coins/NEAR swag, and onboarding our aimed amount of NEAR wallets through marketing campaigns. This situation also put us in jeopardy of losing our hold on the venue space all together. We see two main reasons for this:
    • The proposal turnaround time took a bit longer than we expected.
    • We lacked a legal wrapping for our DAO causing a longer delay in funds as this was worked out internally to approve us. We were unaware that we would need to be fully legalized in order to receive our funds until it was time to receive them.
    • Thankfully the NF team worked hard to help us make this happen regardless of these hiccups we were still able to still achieve great results!
    • In the future we will:
      • Aim to submit our proposal 8 weeks before the scheduled event
      • Maintain full legal status to ensure funding transfers are not delayed.
  • A secondary challenge that we experienced during this event was onboarding the volume of NEAR wallets we were aiming for. We were hoping to onboard 500 wallets and were able to onboard 103.
    • We believe this was due to a few things:
      • Oversaturation of our audience due to the NFT.NYC conference. By the time our guests attended our event, they had already been offered countless amounts of NFTs and digital wallets.
      • Need for a team specifically dedicated to onboarding. While our team was busy speaking on the mic, explaining our projects and hosting our guests, there was not much as much time for us to sit down individually with folks and onboard them with wallets and deal with any technical difficulties. Throughout the night our team made many personal relationships where wallets were made and took several rounds throughout the venue to specifically offer wallets to guests which resulted in the wallets you see in the report.
      • Delay in our marketing campaign in which we strategically planned to kick-off the onboarding process.
    • While we feel that the amount of wallets we onboarded is sufficient for the challenges and capacity of the team, in the future we will:
      • Dedicate at least one team member to onboarding throughout the event.
      • Set aside funds well in advance of the marketing campaign to begin the onboarding process.

Overall we had an amazing team that persevered through the possibility of us failing at launching this event in New York during NFT.NYC. Through their diligent labor we surpassed our expectations and succeeded. Our biggest learning is to keep moving forward even when things seems unlikely.

Thank you all for your support :slight_smile:

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