[PROPOSAL] Spiritual DAO monthly video editing

[PROPOSAL] Spiritual DAO monthly video editing

(2 podcasts and 6 guided meditations)

This include:

  • Editing the Karma podcast, all the 2 episodes.
  • Editing of Guided meditations, all the 6 videos


We intend to give all Spiritual DAO video art material the language that represents the DAO. This will improve our content and give a long time video visual identity

the project

We are planning to do a lot of videos of our projects to upload to our youtube channel, and mint them. We already have 8 episodes of Karma podcast edited by @w4R and 4 Innerviews episodes too, he get the idea and vibe of it very well. So for this month of april we intend that he edit all our videos. To do this, we remove the edition of the projects and compile all of them in a proposal. We need:

  • Edition of 8 videos for april - 500$/month


We will give the raw material, 2 per week, to @w4R and he will edit and give back the final material, 2 per week.

Subtotal: 500 USD

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Very happy that DAO is enjoying the videos, looking forward to keep this partnership of mutual growth, with each podcast i learn a new thing about life.


[REPORT] Video editing - May 2022

Project participants


Project Status Completed

Project Accounting

edition of 8 videos for spiritual DAO.

2 videos for the podcast (with the content of tarot cards) and 6 guided meditations .
All the links are in the respective reports.

What we have accomplished in may


We need to star to make cuts of our video conten to share at shorts (youtube) and reels (instagram)

Next Steps

Continue producing videos with images that are correlated and that match with our visual id.