Title: Hyperfiles Funding Request (February 2024)
Date: January 5, 2024
Prepared by Elijah Spina, PhD
Organization: OpenCann, Hyperfiles, Build DAO
1. Summary
- Project Description: A self-organizing on-chain knowledge graph leveraging the scientific method for sense-making through empirical hypothesis testing.
- Funding Requested: $3000 for February 2024
- Implementation Timeline:
July 2023 - August 2023
- Idea conceived and core schema outlined
September 2023
- Built Hypercerts on BOS as proof-of-concept implementation
October 2023
- Built a demo of Near Attestation Service
November 2023
- Recruited additional contributors and stakeholders
- Designed Hyperfiles attestation framework
December 2023
- Built IPFS adapter
- Deployed demo Hyperfiles frontend
January 2024
- Create framework for Potlock attestation schemas (fileformats)
- Potlock Attestations
- Deploy attestation schemas to potlock.hyperfiles.near
- Project
- Contributor
- Donor
- Contribution/Donation
- Round Patron
- Integration
- Partner
- Deploy attestation schemas to potlock.hyperfiles.near
Deploy resolver contract to validate on-chain conditions for Potlock attestation schemas (e.g. transactions executed by donate.potlock.near).
February 2024
- Deploy job types
- Deploy OpenCann fileformat library (tripartite DAO governed data marketplace)
- Data sets
- Algorithms
- Impact certificates
- Integrate Hyperfiles with OpenCann dashboard
- Publish new documentation containing guides for how to use Potlock and OpenCann fileformat libraries
March 2024 and Beyond
- API(s) and JS SDK
- Fileformat data validation
- Marketplace price determination
- Permissions and encryption for individual records
- Expand Scientific Fileformat Ontology
- Implement “Relative Trust Networks”, magnitude of attestation from -1 (complete refutation) to +1 (complete attestation of truth). Expected probability that a statement is true.
- Implement Hyperbole (exaggerations, untruths, negative data/lack of evidence, saying what something is not, strengthens positive evidence by ruling out alternative hypotheses)
- Implement Counterfactuals (backtesting reality against alternative hypotheses, “what if?”)
- Integrate with Voyager and Near FS
- Integrate AI
2. Background
Problem Statement:
- Developing a universal reputation layer based on empirical hypothesis testing requires automated provenance and contribution tracking of objects at the atomic level during publication and subsequent modification (e.g. via reference, analysis, recombination, etc).
- Creating liquidity for data requires enabling explicit composability between different types of objects via a coherent knowledge graph.
- Become the standard for data composability tooling on Near Protocol, the most robust and scalable multi-chain data availability layer.
- Create an objective method for evaluating subjective truth and impact of scientific theories that more accurately represents the objectivity of evidence (individual facts) interpreted collectively and iteratively via the scientific method.
- Observations (data, objects, events)
- Statements (references/attestations)
- Facts (statements supported by observations)
- Hypothesis (testable and falsifiable proposed explanations of the world)
- Theories (collections of facts that have gathered extensive evidence through hypothesis testing and whose predictions are logically consistent with observations of the natural world)
3. Project Description
Scope: build a toolkit & consumer facing app to easily leverage Near data availability between any two sources, whether on or off-chain.
Strategy: define conceptual framework to satisfy requirements for different object types in the Hyperfiles knowledge graph
Hyperfiles (b) is an abstracted version of everything.dev (a) and consists of a core library of type schemas that define objects:
a. Thing = (path, blockheight), nodes on the graph
b. Record = contents of a thing, a piece of data
a. Type = a collection of properties of predefined types
b. Fileformat = a collection of fields of predefined types
a. Property = a type of predefined primitive
b. Field = a type of predefined primitive
a. Attestation/Reference = an edge on the graph
b. File = a collection of records (a reference/attestation linking more than one object/record)
a. Metadata = a self-referencing edge that creates context for the object it references
b. Hyperfile = a metadata schema, a collection of files (references/attestations); with explicitly defined external references (source/adapter)
Hyperfiles objects contain embedded references (attestations) that possess the following properties:
All objects MUST have an owner and CAN reference/attest to other objects.
1a. Object owner and provenance (objects used to derive a given object) are indexed as implicit attestations.
1b. Hyperfiles explicit attestation objects can reference an unlimited number of objects (compared to EAS which only enables a single attestation to reference two other objects: an account and another attestation). -
Objects following the attestation type are indexed as “explicit” attestation objects.
All attestation objects MUST directionally reference other object(s).
Reference type (attestation schema - the UID of the schema used to make the attestation) is embedded in the explicit attestation type.
Users/accounts are just a type of object that are owned by “self”. When users create objects, those objects inherently provide attestations referencing the creator user object.
Steps to be taken:
Build a library of attestation schemas for:
1a. Potlock (decentralized retroactive public goods funding platform), and,
1b. OpenCann (tripartite DAO governed data marketplace encompassing data, algorithm, and impact markets). -
Build BOS frontend components to enable non-technical users to interact with the Hyperfiles knowledge graph
2a. Create: publish a Hyperfile (dataset, algorithm, or impact certificate)
2b. Explore/Query: sort/filter and text search to find data, algorithms, and impact certificates (three separate marketplaces on the frontend but the graphs are linked via references specified during object creation/update)
2c. Run: run a job, use an algorithm to transform existing data into new object(s), output can be fed to the create component after job is completed to create new objects -
Build Hyperfiles API (REST/GraphQL) and Javascript SDK to enable technical users to easily integrate the Hyperfiles knowledge graph into other apps.
3a. Deploy adapter
3b. create(fileformat, source, adapter path, content)
If fileformat = fileformat, create type;
Else, create thing;
3c. Query/Explore: Near Query API and social API (social.index)
3d. Run -
Build enhanced query features for hypothesis testing, interpreting evidence, and evaluation of truth.
4a. Add network statistics to sort/filter parameters and enable the option to view distributions for selected nodes and/or edges.- Node Degree Distribution
- Clustering Coefficient
- Topological Coefficient
- Shortest Path Length
- Neighborhood Connectivity
- Betweenness Centrality
- Closeness Centrality
- Stress Centrality
4b. Network visualization via force directed layouts
Key Stakeholders: OpenCann, Build DAO, all open web builders
4. Budget
Total Cost: a full estimate of project cost has not yet been calculated. The project has been developed to its current state on an ad-hoc basis. Elijah began contributing to the project full-time in January 2024 with the support of Build DAO, under the guidance of James Waugh and Elliot Braem.
Funding Request: funding will be used to support developer hours for one (1) full-time contributor, Elijah, for February 2024.
5. Implementation Plan
- Timeline and Milestones:
- 1st Week: Deploy job types
- IO file (JSON specifying IPFS CIDs of input & output data for a job, as well as tool config used)
- Tool config (JSON specifying instructions and parameters to run a containerized app, e.g. a Docker instance)
- 2nd Week: Deploy OpenCann fileformat library (tripartite DAO governed data marketplace)
- Data sets (NFTs and IO files)
- Algorithms (tool configs)
- Impact certificates (Hypercerts and derivations)
- 3rd Week: Deploy BOS components to integrate Hyperfiles with OpenCann dashboard
- 4th Week: Publish new documentation containing guides for how to use Potlock and OpenCann fileformat libraries
- 1st Week: Deploy job types
6. Evaluation and Measurement
Success Criteria:
- Total data publish and consume volume (MB)
- Number of fileformats/schemas created
- Number of objects created
- “Data”: events, transactions, strings, integers, CSV/TSV, etc.
- Algorithms: instructions and parameters to execute containerized apps
- Attestations (explicit): objects following the Hyperfiles attestation schema
Monitoring and Evaluation:
- Monthly evaluation and reporting of success criteria from tools such as everything.dev, Near Atlas, GitBos, SourceScan, and Nearblocks.io.
7. Risks and Mitigation Strategies
- Competing solutions gain widespread adoption and create a network effect that is difficult to disrupt.
- Empirical hypothesis testing doesn’t gain traction as an on-chain knowledge curation mechanism.
- Create Hyperfiles adapters for competing knowledge graphs to complement network effect strength of alternative solutions.
- Assess strengths and weaknesses of empirical hypothesis testing for on-chain knowledge curation then adjust marketing and PR strategy. Resort to logic, reason, and evidence of technological advancement achieved through application of the scientific method.
8. Conclusion
- Summary: Hyperfiles is a self-organizing on-chain knowledge graph leveraging the scientific method for sense-making through empirical hypothesis testing. Developing a universal reputation layer based on empirical hypothesis testing requires automated provenance and contribution tracking of objects at the atomic level during publication and subsequent modification (e.g. via reference, analysis, recombination, etc).
Data is potentially the most valuable real-world asset that can easily be represented on-chain due to being digital in nature. Creating liquidity for data requires enabling explicit composability between different types of objects via a coherent knowledge graph.
- Call to Action: Hyperfiles aims to become the standard for data composability tooling on Near Protocol, the most well-positioned multi-chain data availability layer. We’re building an objective method for evaluating subjective truth and impact of scientific theories that more accurately represents the objectivity of evidence (individual facts) interpreted collectively and iteratively via the scientific method.
The Hyperfiles knowledge graph can be universally generalized and is meant to be a proof of concept system for decentralized data governance. Decentralized coordination requires reputation layers to automate value creation & attribution in the pending world of ubiquitous and powerful AI’s.
9. Appendix
- Hyperfiles Frontend
- Demo
- Official Docs
- Ideation and v0 Docs
- OpenCann Dashboard
- Near Attestation Service
- Hypercerts on BOS
- Potlock Attestations
Previous Work:
- Interpreting Evidence (presentation)
- Quantifying Reputation in DAOs (part 1)
- Quantifying Reputation in DAOs (part 2)
- A microRNA-mRNA Expression Network During Oral Siphon Regeneration in Ciona
External References:
- Assembly Theory - Sharma, … Cronin, et al (2023)
- Objects as Reference: Toward Robust First Principles of Digital Organization
- Building a knowledge graph for biological experiments
- Sensemaking Networks: Incorporating science social media into the scientific process
- Counterfactual: Generalized State Channels on Ethereum | by Liam Horne | State Channels | Medium
- Counterfactual Delegation | Delegatable
- Ethereum Attestation Service
- Relative Trust Networks - Ethereum Attestation Service
- Schema.org
- Archetype
- NerdBrain
- Nostradamus: Prove You Knew It
- GitHub - 41hulk/near-attestation: Digital records signed by an individual, company, or organization to verify information about another person, entity, or thing
- Attestation [not started] - PotLock
- Complex Network Statistics
- Force Directed Layouts for Complex Networks
- Force Directed Layout in tlDraw
10. Contact Information
- Name: Elijah Spina, PhD
- Title: Builder
- Email: elijah@hyperfiles.org