REPORT : Unsaid Words
PROJECT LINE: 26/07 to 28/08
Holding an exhibition on the metaverse of Voxels at the FEMINU gallery on August 28, along with a discussion on art and mental health with guest artist, eusouaguerra.near.
The intention of this project is to take sensitivity to a high level, making other people realize the importance of expressing and recognizing certain feelings, through art, making viewers create awareness of the relevance of art in the sentimental and mental environment.
Themes related to mental health are of great importance nowadays and arouse much interest in the Proxima community, as well as people from outside the network, which will bring benefits for the entrance of new members, demonstrating that it is a valued theme within the Proxima community. In this context, the debate to be held in a Twitter Space will bring a lot of visibility to the exposure and consequently to the dissemination of Next.
Many factors contribute to our mental and sentimental destabilization, such as pandemics, Internet, excessive work, among others, causing, over time, various damages to our physical health, which can even lead to death or suicide.
Art not only as a source of recording history, but also as a relief in difficult times.
My actions - @naju
Structuring of the idea and creation of the proposal;
Creation of material for dissemination - flyer ;
Nft distribution for dissemination - nft flyer ;
Creation of banner and poster to be placed inside the exhibition - registry ;
Invitation from the artist - instagram
Creation of 4 nfts for the exhibition: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ;
Creation of 3xrspace ;
Creation and distribution of collective NFT for promotion: NFT
Event at VOXELS: FEMINU Galery- organized by: @ghini
Spaces on twitter, status: will happen on september 08
Guest artist:
NFT’s for the exhibition: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Success metrics:
Total nfts minted: 11
Onboarding: iwry.near | jmiranda81.near
Total visits in the space: 355
Total visits in the spaces: 8