[PROPOSAL] Events on Metaverse and Interviews with NEAR Artists

Proponent: Metaverse DAO
NEAR account for payment: metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near
Project Timeline: January 5th – 30th

Objective: The main objective of this project is to build 2 events in a month, with art exhibition and music, with interviews with near artists. The idea is to use these events to make near artists to come to metaverse, to make metaverse people to know near artists, to build our NFT Collection (you can find the NFT Collection Project here), and to create a pool of near artists on metaverse which we can interview for the magazine (our project for the magazine this month is here).

Justification (benefits): The relevance of this project is to keep the hype around NEAR protocol, and to educate artists about the existence of NFT art life on metaverse. Beyond that, the project starts to build a system of visual art exhibitions, where artists will receive proof of attendance of the exhibition in a form of a Mintbase 3XR NFT. This is important because it uses 3XR gallery NFTs in a unusual way, that is good for the near artists’ Curriculum Vitae. This is the same reason why the interviews are important: because it is relevant to CV, but also because we are going to register important information about the artists that are not generally registered in a NFT mint; so people who sees the interview will be able to know more about near artists.

The project: We would have an art exhibition-party at each 15 days with music for the artists and collectors (so 2 exhibition-parties in a month), one for the artists to submit their work and to exhibit the works already submited to the exhibition; and another one for us to choose the works we are going to buy for our collection. We would post an invite on the forum and on telegram for people to submit, than we would prepare the place, make the marketing material, publicize on twitter, telegram and discord, get the musicians, host the parties, make wearable giveaways for afterparty, and buy the NFTs from the artists (buy NFTs and make the wearables are from other projects). Both events would allow for us to know the artists better and make the invites to the interviews, which happen after party. Then we get the data from the number os visitors and start accountability. To build both event, we would need to pay 1000 usd in near for the coordinator, 200 usd in near for 2 artists to perform (live or not), one in each event, and 250 usd in near to pay the professional to make flyers and edit videos for these events and for our DAO, in a general way, for a month, and 500 usd to pay the interviewer.


January 5th:

Bounty in the forum to receive submissions to visual artists and musicians to the event.
Start curating the artists: music and video.

January 12th:

Get the building ready for the exhibition-party. Get musicians ready.
Get flyers ready. Start to publicize.

January 15th:

Host 1st exhibition-party (milestone for half of the resources).

January 16

Make the giveaways and give the prize from treasure hunt.
Start interviews (milestone: each 2 interviews for half of the resources).

January 28th:

Start publicizing again the final event.

January 30th:

Host 2nd event (milestone for half of the resources)
Buy NFTs.
Ending the interviews (milestone: each 2 interviews for half of the resources).

January 31th:

Giveaways, treasure hunt and start accountability.
Pay marketing professional.


1000 usd in near for hosting both events and coordinating them, publicizing them on social media, organizing the exhibition in the building, making wearable giveaways and treasure hunts, making contact with the musicians and with the artists on the forum.
250 usd in near for marketing professional for a month (flyers, videos etc)
200 usd in near for musicians to perform (live or not) in the events
500 usd in near for making at least 4 interviews on metaverse with near artists which were present on a metaverse party.


Final Products: 2 Metaverse Events, 4 interviews, marketing materials, 1 visual art exhibition (opening and closing), 2 musical performances, and NFTs in the historical store.

This project is monthly renewable
Next month, February, if our NearHub space is ready, we will host at least 1 party exhibition there.

Metaverse DAO


Here are some register of the interviews made on Near Metaverse Connection Center:




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Project Report

Events on Metaverse and Iterviews with NEAR Artists

Project Status: Completed

Project Accounting: We made 2 exhibition parties, with treasure hunt and giveaways, at January 15th and 30th, and we did 4 interviews with near artists. We spent 1700 USD in NEAR, 250 usd less than we expected, because the flyers were made for friends helping the events, so we did not had to spend it.

  • 1000 usd in near for hosting both events and coordinating them, publicizing them on social media, organizing the exhibition in the building, making wearable giveaways and treasure hunts, making contact with the musicians and with the artists on the forum. (milestone 1, milestone 2)
  • 200 usd in near for musicians to perform (live or not) in the events (musician 1, musician 2, musician 3).
  • 500 usd in near for making at least 4 interviews on metaverse with near artists which were present on a metaverse party (milestone 1, milestone 2).

Updated Project Timeline:
The events happened at the dates foreseen, inasmuch as the interviews. Nevertheless, one of the interviews could not be done on metaverse, given some problems with one of the artists to access cryptovoxels.

Final Products: 2 metaverse NFT exhibition-parties with music from 3 musicians (one of the parties was a NFT buying party), 4 interviews with the respective mintings (1, 2, 3, 4), 2 mintings from the parties, 2 wearables (many copies) for giveaways and treasure hunt.

The 300 people we achieved in the graphic is in fact an event from Kalakendra DAO, from which we have much to learn, and with which we have a partnership in their events and our building.

We could learn that we need to invest in publicizing and marketing, in order to publicize the party. These parties we had only 60 people instead of 100, so it was a reduction in the public. We believe this reduction was due to a health problem from me, which did not let me do so much publicizing as I generally do. This made us think we need a professional to build our social networks with constant care.

Next Steps:
Next step is to build a marketing team for Metaverse DAO.

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