Love seeing this and what NEARWEEK is up to. Currently the max we’re granting out of the community dao is 2000N at a time. Would it be possible to get a more granular breakdown of spend & activities?
The initial thought is to split 2000 NEAR per month 50/50 between operations and development. The rationale for this if following the ambidexterity to make sure that we continue to have an operating crowd-sourced news process going, while also every month developing new automatization and incentivization mechanisms (primarily via DAO modules and Telegram, Discord and Twitter bots) For a more granularly breakdown of the cost pools within operations and development see below.
Operations / 1000 NEAR per month
1. Guild incentive (500 NEAR): Issuance of NEAR to a) news contributors b) news curators, following our weekly cadence.
2. Administration (300 NEAR): Currently Peter has been doing NEAR week in his spare time while taking care of a full-time job as well. This will enable Peter (or other fixed operational people) to focus on NEARWEEK.
3. Content campaigns (100 NEAR): Creation of own content in collaboration with partners such as 4NTS, Human and Swagger guild.
4. Subscriptions and promotions (100 NEAR): For tools such as,Wordpress, Substack, Cloud Server and SEO / Adwords optimizations on campaigns.
DEVELOPMENT / 1000 NEAR per month
1. Core development work for Sputnik v2 NEWS DAO MVP (500 NEAR)
1. Allow a “News Contributor” to Submit a link and earn a reward if it is accepted
2. Allow “News Curators” to get a reward for accepting links
3. Enable basic checks that a link is unique
4. Experiment with further mechanisms of conviction voting / prediction markets
2. Twitter / Telegram bots (300 NEAR)
1. Enable “News Contributors” to submit links via Twitter and Telegram to bots which writes this as Sputnik DAO proposals which “News Curators” will then be able to approve / disapprove
2. Allow approved news to be auto posted and tagging relevant projects tapping into hootsuite style APIs.
3. Ad hoc bounties (200 NEAR)
1. Enable projects to purchase add space in NEARWEEK via a google adds style auction market
2. Utilizing other interesting marketing / engagement tools when they become available within the NEAR ecosystem
Few more thoughts…
Core development work for extending Sputnik v2 as an NEWS DAO MVP
Twitter / Telegram bots enabling to run the NEWS DAO from these UIs
These are particularly interesting to me, especially seeing how things go in the Telegram channel and the conversations there about automating the news sorting. Freeing the team up from surfacing interesting stuff so that they can focus on concise summaries would be awesome!
If you’re planning to open source these upgrades/tools it may be more appropriate to submit for a foundation grant which can award higher amounts than the community fund. This isn’t the only project that would benefit from a blockchain native HN-in-a-chat!
Thanks for the kind words, we do intend to also apply for a software grant as well for some of the more specific software implementations indicated above, however at this stage we believe the community fund is the best place to get going to establish a news guild and collect the necessary feedback for future software development work. taking this to the next level.
Costs involved in running, developing and maintaining
What’s the advantage to building from the ground up when there are newsletter services like substack which could be leveraged?
We do not intend to develop any such standard web2 newsletter / marketing tooling ourselves. We do plan to start moving to Substack as well as several community members have requested this.