DAO and project members:
@roadworks (roadworks.near) DIRECTOR
@cosmiclobo (cosmiclobo.near) SOUND & LIGHT ASSISTANT and 2nd CAMERA OPERATOR
Funding scheme: Once
Target: lens.sputnik-dao.near
Project: Video shoot of documentary about the shelter “”O Cantinho da Milu”
Previously funded projects: April was the first funding month for the LENS DAO and since then multiple projects have been filmed, some of which are currently still being post produced, but here are a couple previous projects for a variety of DAOs:
- Aftermovie of FRACTAL ATMOSPHERE for Changa Records DAO
- OURICO / muti DAO Residency
- Street Artist KONE in Lisbon
An introduction to LENS DAO can be found here.
LENS racked their brains about how to bring NEAR to a wide audience and what subject people always like. We came up with the idea of filming a documentary about many people’s very best friend: dogs (looking for a home). We chose an animal shelter that has received many positive reviews due to its very strict requirements and meticulous management, the “Cantinho da Milu” near Setubal on the peninsula and south bank of the Tejo River.
Our goal is to film with the now upgraded equipment (crane, drone, film cameras) in such a way that a cinematographic work of art will be created. This lofty goal is to serve the purpose of getting people to sympathize with the film and thus both with the animals and with NEAR as a sponsor. No compromises are made when it comes to publicizing the main sponsor. NEAR will be presented in a natural and accessible way - yet understated - as a lover of people and animals (similar appearance of sponsor’s logo as in the CONTAINER DANCE Video of Dr. Karen da Silva from Arroz’s PLANTING A.I.R., which is planned to be released this Friday, the 08.07.2022). We are hoping from this methodology to achieve a wider audience / reach, as most likely a larger amount of people will share the video on their socials.
We have already contacted the shelter and will be going to an introductory meeting in mid-July to take the first pictures, check the lighting conditions and - last but not least - to get to know the staff and the animals.
LENS DAO will proudly take the assignment, which will allow for a piece of artistic - but more importantly - purposeful work. With the staff we will discuss, how the animals are best helped and, as a result, which topics have to be covered in an interview with one of their staff members. The overall feel and goal is to create a documentary that will create at least one huge smile on everyone’s face.
Cost structure:
2 days of filming (2 people): 800 USD
Sound and light: 50 USD
Cameras (2 BMPCC): 200 USD
Transportation (3 return trips Lisbon - Setubal): 50 USD
4 days of editing: 800 USD
TOTAL: 1900 USD (split 1500 USD in July and 400 USD in August)