Hello everybody!
In NEAR Hispano we are very excited to introduce our NEAR Certified Professors program 100% in Spanish. The main idea of this program is teach university professors to become in NEAR Instructors in your universities designing your own and Personalized NEAR Certified Developers bootcamp experience for your students.
What is the objective for NCP participants?
The goal is that the participant create a documentation, methodology and experience of your own NCD bootcamp.
When is this program going to be launched?
We are organizing the first NEAR Certified Professors bootcamp the next Monday (October 11). We going to start with the Instituto Tecnológico Pabellón de Arteaga in Aguascalientes Mexico with a participation of 17 professors.
In the NEAR Hispano guild we are very engaged with the goal to train more and more developers in NEAR technologies. We look forward to any feedback from the community to improve this program.