Project title: Teaching the second NEAR Hispano NCD bootcamp in Spanish as part of NEAR Certified Instructor program
One-liner: Teaching and support in the NEAR Hispano NCD bootcamp
Project DAO: NEAR Hispano SputnikDAO
Series: Onboarding NEAR Certified Developer bootcamp participants
Project members
- Cristian Zambrano
Payout month: September 27, 2021 → October 1, 2021
NEAR target accounts: NEAR Hispano DAO
Payout request: 195 NEAR
Teaching the 5th NCD bootcamp in NEAR Hispano
From August 27th to October 1st, the second NCD Bootcamp in Spanish was launched. This time I continue as an NCD instructor planning and guiding the developers in the bootcamp.
- 70 developers enrolled in the bootcamp
- Support 14 teams in the bootcamp in the NEAR Hispano discord
Instructors training plan for university professors
Working with @luzmargaritas and América members of NEAR Hispano in generate a program to train university professors that become in instructors to teach the NCD bootcamp in their universities. (This bootcamp for professors will be a mid of October)
Traking blockchain academy progress
Progress tracking with the blockchain academy team to teach your own NCD bootcamp with your audience in latin America .