Hello Everyone.
First, I want to introduce myself.
I am involved in various processes in art, technology, and speculative collective futures, like collaborative fungal platforms, landscape interventions, and sculpture, the blockchain, and more as well as being co-founder of Platohedro, a creative collaborative platform in Medellín, where my focus is on the design and development of collaborative projects, appropriation of technology, alternative pedagogic methods, and networking.
Also, I am participating in The Motion DAO, Where I can know about NEAR, this is a rabbit hole for me.
At Platohedro we have a study group about all of the things about web 3.0
I want to propose some activities at Platohedro with different communities that are part of our ecosystem to learn about NEAR and Connet this Communities with the NEAR projets
Also Is important to mention DANCE TECH could have a connection with many artists from Medellín, Colombia, and maybe invite them to participate in the network.
We want to make
To make 6 sections with the study group to explore the NEAR’s ecosystem
- Study group: weekly meetings and tasks.
- Sharing Knowledge and learning: workshops with experts, advisory, dialogues with the community
- Research and learning (DAO, tokenomics, EVM, DEFI, etc)
4 workshop to 20 persons at Platohedro’s house, with artists, devs/crypto enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and people that is no “NEAR” of Technology
2 streaming to have sesión of conversatión with “experts” - Feedback and direction from experts
- Collaborations or connections with other teams, mentors or advisors
- Information about events or other opportunities to meet the community, showcase work, and get feedback
An online web page to put all the contents that can be results of the activities
Investment laboratory
Common fund to finance the activities and support the participants to have some tokens to explore the ecosystem
4 workshop $1.600 USD ($400 per session, 20 participants)
2 streaming $200 USD, ($100 per sesion, zoom, internet conexión)
1 web page(communications)500 USD (productions of contents, desig,n and social networks
Total $2.300 USD
We suggest having the first state in November with 3 sessions
Saturday 13 Nov Meeting online Motion DAO and Platohedro Cyphers
Saturday 20 Nov Workshop on Platohedro cyphersplato
Saturday 27 Nov Workshop on Platohedro cyphersplato
( Maybe)Saturday 4 Dic Meeting online Motion DAO And Platohedro Cyphers
Second state:
We are thinking that is possible to continue in February 2022 with 4 sessions more.
Who will benefit, and how:
Youth and adults of different ages who are participants of Platohedro processes through its different programs, as well as the collectives that are part of the ecosystem of the organization and the alliances with other organizations and institutions, benefit as they expand their knowledge in a topic that generates much interest but of which little is known, they experiment in a practical way and appropriate the knowledge to generate new possibilities for their sustainability.
More specifically, the beneficiaries are:
- Community and collective processes at the margin of the financial/fiat system.
- Cypher_Plato team that will be able to strengthen their technical knowledge and pedagogical skills.
Platohedro, which works for the search of strategies for Good Living and Good Knowledge, in the realities in which savage capitalism imposes excessively demanding rhythms and exchanges, sees the need as an organization to migrate to decentralized models that ensure technical and financial viability in the new stage of web 3.0 and cyber-physical systems based on blockchain that contemporary society is facing.
All the communication is between Dance Tech y Platohedro in the online platforms