Hello everyone,
I hope you are well.
I’m Alexander, co-founder of Platohedro and I’ve been participating in the near Hispano, NCA, NCD I and NCP certificate programs. I’m here this time to talk about Let’s go NEAR . my proposal as teacher in residence.
Let’s go NEAR is for artists in Medellín who want to learn the basics about blockchain, web 3 and how to upload your NFT art on NEAR platforms such as Mintbase, Paras or Nativo among others, with special emphasis on dApps to mint NFT’s. For the finale, the idea is to create an online exhibition of everyone’s NFT’s on one of the NEAR Protocol platforms.
The objective of this course is to come out of it as inhabitants rather than users of the web 3.0, to understand the the benefits of decentralization and, to reflect on identity and privacy. Let’s go NEAR is also an invitation to learn and create collaboratively.
For this process there will be 9 online sessions and at least 3 face-to-face events in different cultural spaces other than Platohedro in order to spread the knowledge across the city.
Artists who take this course will be knowledgeable on topics concerning NEAR and able to navigate, explore and create on its platform. They use NEAR for their own development as artists and creators in many ways such as launching their work and selling it.
The bigger intention Let’s go NEAR, is that a community of artists will come out of this with the curiosity to continue to engage and create collaboratively on the NEAR Protocol platforms