Introduction to NEAR GoaDAO

Hi @dmitryne,
I had suggested breaking down the guild intro post and funding proposal post as two separate posts on our call.

For meetups, I’d suggest you to synch with @jlwaugh as he’s planning on a series of NEAR meetups around the world. @pransh and @theChosenOne can assist you with the planning as they’re already planning for one in Bangalore.

What is missing here are the specific goals.

I’d like to know your targets-
For example:

  • 100 NEAR wallets in the first month
  • Creating curriculum and plan for people with NEAR wallets to start participating in the ecosystem- measured by new users on Mintbase, Paras, etc that were onboarded from this guild.
  • 200 followers on Twitter and 100 active members in the Telegram community.

I’m looking for specific numbers that you’re hoping to hit with your campaigns. Here’s a guide on which DAO to request funding from and their process: [GUIDE] Guilds, DAOs, DAO Verticals - what does it all mean?

Here’s how to submit a funding request to the Marketing DAO if you’re looking to submit it for marketing and outreach related activities(which will be reviewed by the @marketingdao-council): [Guide] How to submit a funding proposal to the Marketing DAO

Add your funding request into one single post outlining the amount in USD. I would start with a small plan to begin with and then tweak that based on the community request, so that we can scale up, instead of planning for a NEAR festival every month.

If you’re looking to do more creative things and onboard more creatives, I would recommend asking for funding from the creatives DAO: [Guide] The Creatives DAO Funding

In any case, as mentioned in the email and on the call, all of these DAOs need time to evaluate your proposal, so an ideal time frame would be 3-4 weeks in advance of whatever you’re planning.

Looping in @Sofia_Alum, since you’ve spoken with her before.