[INTRODUCTION] HOC | Hub de Oficinas Comunitárias

Hi @NearCommunity,

Thank you so very much for showing interest in our project and most of all for noticing the problem with the Twitter link :pray:t3:. Gonna fix it right now but please feel free to check us out here

In terms of the work that HOC was been doing after the month of [October] ([RETROSPECTIVE] HOC Team's month of October), we’re planning in making a Quarterly Report to show our progression through out the months of OCT, NOV and DEC by the second week January hopefully.

This is mainly motived by the fact that the lack of time do to our team current jobs and some bad luck in the mix. You how it can be in the end of the year hassle with reports and other time constraints :confused:

But I think it’s ok to share some small details right now:

  • Official start of the the MK 2.0 project :tada:
  • Had several talks with some Portugal based collectives/projects within the NEAR Ecosystem about the legal process of recognizing DAOs as a viable and legal framework :eyes:
  • Represented Cretcheu at a meeting with ONU’s Working Group of Experts on People of African Descendents Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council :balance_scale:
  • Reporting for Cretcheu and MK 2.0 :clipboard:
  • And last but lot least Learning, Learning and some more Learning :man_technologist:t4:

We at HOC wish you a happy new year :partying_face:

See you around