We wanted to share some news regarding the current status of education grants with NEAR Foundation. The following message was sent to anyone who has submitted a grant and is awaiting a response. For now, all education grants are on hold.
We hope to have clear guidelines on new education grant submissions as soon as possible!
You are receiving this communication because you’ve recently applied for an Education grant at NEAR Foundation and we would like to provide an update on our status.
During the last year, we’ve funded over 50 projects from 15 different countries and distributed $2.7m worth of NEAR in the ecosystem. Projects ranged in size and some were really amazing contributions to the NEAR community. The success rate was roughly 50%.
At this time, we’ve decided to pause for a few weeks to evaluate the current process in an effort to improve it as we move forward. Unfortunately, this means that we will not be funding any projects at the moment. We understand this is disappointing news for you and your efforts, and we sincerely apologize for the delays in our responses.
As you know NEAR Foundation is committed to supporting open-source projects that generate public goods for the community, and give other ecosystem participants the opportunity to learn from, and build on your work. We hope to have clear guidelines for new education specific grant proposals by January 2023.
In the meantime, please be aware that our primary channels for grant funding are still open. You may choose to submit your project through a different channel. Learn more at Get Funding – NEAR Protocol
We truly appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.
Education Team, NEAR Foundation