[Creatives DAO] - Decentralization review & Meeting

Hi dear Community

I am glad to say that Near Ecosystem have being changing my life!

This was my last step to jump into here:

You can find my traces through ecosystem by the name of wasem_simon.near and blua_discordia.near. Im an NFT artist, curator, and a nomadelabel-dao guidance member.

So many things to say and share, but for now i just wanna share the sociais:

Nomade Label (@nomadeagenda) Antimarketing Instagram

Nomade Label (@nomadelabel) / Twitter

Lea Arafah - Mana Blua (@lea_blua) personal Instagram

Thanks for all

so many powerful meetings happening here
This is our biggest asset - our humanness behind this machine :rainbow: :blue_heart: :fist:t4: