In reference to our proposal, mentioned here:
Proposal Near - Artemis
Report week 4 of month 3 E-learning Artemis
Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano. @Cristian
Project members
Maria Gutierrez - Marialegg.near
Jorge Cuauro - Jorgeluiscuauro.near
Juan Ochando - Jochando.near
Goals achieved in week 4 of month 3
The course carousels were configured in the home to dynamic and the option to allow showing the details of the selected course.
The proper ordering was configured for the home carousels, according to the course assessment group.
Work was done on the integration for the valuation of the stars of each course.
A function was created to manage the comments and the weighting of stars for each course, in it you can count the number of stars that a course has, in order to manage the rating of each course, the function was also created to order the carousel of courses, allowing ordering by higher rating.
A function was created to manage the passes to present the course exam, where a person who buys the course can buy the exam for certification, it was configured so that the questions and answers of the exam are stored in the database .
Work was done on the structure that allows the exam questions presented by a person to be stored on the node server, from the node the contract is called, so that the contract only stores the student’s grade.