Hi everyone,
Hi @marketingdao-council,
I am excited to see Marketing DAO is resuming operations. I’ve read the Marketing DAO Handbook and submitted the Marketing DAO Application Funding Form.
We have been representing NEAR to Turkey since March 2021 and are active on Telegram, Medium, Twitter, Youtube and have implemented a MVP project on NEAR together with our developers.
FYI: We will not request prior funding for the current and past month. Furthermore, we will take the current market situation into account and reduce our costs.
Therefore, our plans for December 2022 and January 2023 are as follows:
Guild / Community Name : Near Turkey
User: cizi31.near
Funding scheme : 2 months
Previous Proposal: [APPROVED] NEAR Turkey July / August / September 2022 2
Previous Reports :
July: [REPORT] Near Turkey July 2022
August: [REPORT] NEAR Turkey August 2022
September: [REPORT] Near Turkey September 2022
All other previous reports can be found under my profile.
NEAR Turkey Linktree: nearturkey | Twitter | Linktree
I have taken the Marketing Dao Handbook and the topic “[Announcement] Marketing DAO Resumes Operations” into account. For this purpose we would like to focus on content and social media in the next two months.
Unfortunately, we haven’t received a budget in the last two months, but we were still able to keep the Turkish group active and now want to invite even more new users to our group over the next two months and focus on our main goal: increase blockchain and crypto adoption in Turkey and heighten awareness of the NEAR ecosystem in the turkish-speaking area.
Telegram chat: Telegram: Contact @near_tr (7000+ members)
- support 7 days / week
- invite more users to our Telegram chat group
- Small giveaways and promotions to increase the engagement (quiz, activity contest…)
- be active in different crypto community groups and talk about NEAR
Telegram news: Telegram: Contact @nearhaber
- share latest news and updates about NEAR
Twitter: https://twitter.com/near_turkey (4500+ followers)
- share daily latest news and updates about NEAR in turkish language.
- work with Hashtags and Markables to increase the engagement
- giveaway / promotion
share 2 videos / month
- topic: latest news / updates about NEAR, Web3.0, Blockchain and market analysis
- publishment directly on Telegram, Twitter and in our Youtube channel
share 2 videos / month
Medium: [Near Turkey – Medium](Near Turkey – Medium)
- We will translate and write 6 articles per month in turkish language and share in our Medium account
- Topic: Featured Stories, Web3.0 and Social, Defi, Nearweek
- We will translate and write 6 articles per month in turkish language and share in our Medium account
- 8000+ members on Telegram Chat
- 1000+ members on Telegram News Channel
- 5500+ Followers on Twitter
- Successful 12 articles / content about NEAR in turkish language
- High impression on Twitter and successful promotions
- active Near Turkey Telegram group
- support / answer all questions
- share news and announcements in time
- active Near Turkey Twitter account, latest news
- successful giveaways with high impressions
Content Writing Medium
- Topic : Featured Stories, Web3.0 and Social, Defi, Nearweek, ecosystem updates, Guide
- KPIs : Medium account followers, article views, comments on social media regarding the article (TG, Twitter, Medium)
- Goals : Total +12 articles, +500 total views, 5+ comments
- Budget : 750$
Content Writing Telegram
- Topic : share daily news, ecosystem updates, partnerships, small giveaway
- KPIs : increase channel members (growth), amount of viewers, daily news, high giveaway participation
- Goals : 3-5 daily news, +1000 Members on Telegram channel (now 400+, target 1500+), average 3-5 daily news, average 400+ viewers / post
- Budget : 250$
Social Media Telegram
- Topic : support community members 7 days/week, share daily news from NEAR channel, ecosystem updates, infographics, partnerships, small giveaways to increase group activity, NEAR wallet/staking explanations
- KPIs : increase group members (growth), amount of daily messages, daily support, high giveaway participation, more NEAR wallet creation, more NEAR staking
- Goals : 1000+ Members on Telegram (now 7200+, target 8200), average 250 daily messages (now 200), +100 new wallet creations / staking on NEAR, 50+ active quiz/giveaway particaption.
- Budget : 2600$
Social Media Youtube
- Topic : two weeks news & updates, ecosystem updates
- KPIs : high amount of video viewers, Video comments from our community, knowledge about ecosystem updates and generally about NEAR
- Goals : 4-5 videos, 1000+ Viewers on YT, average 20 comments, 500+ views on TG, 20+ like + rt + Comments on Twitter and in our community group
- Budget : 400$
Social Media Twitter
- Topic : daily news & updates, partnership announcements, Web3.0, small giveaways
- KPIs : Followers, Tweet impressions, Tweet Like + Retweets + Comments + Mentions
- Goals : 1000+ Followers on Twitter (now 4500+, target 5500+), average 1000 impressions, average 5-10 Likes / tweet
- Budget : 900$
Total Costs : 4900$
Thank you for your support!
CC @marketingdao-council