[APPROVED] Cabeça na lua - filming & stream in the metaverse


Thank you for your willingness to support this project!

The overall value of the filming is still 1650 USD, in order to split the funds we have requested 300 USD from CUDO Dao:

We are also looking into requesting an amount from the Creatives DAO within the next days once the August tasks have been paid out.

NxM DAO approved 150N which will be used for the artist payments (which is not relevant for this streaming/filming budget but nice to see due to the collaboration)

We appreciate your help and know that especially in the transition phase right now the funding distribution needs more consideration. Let me know if there are other infos that I can provide and keep in mind that the payouts for the filming could be split (1. part before the concerts for the equipment, 2. part once both videos are edited and ready to be streamed, which would most likely be end os September/ October).

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