Week 2 at the GWG: The Importance of Elections

Before I dive into my weekly update, i want to preface it with the following:

The Importance of Elections

The strength of our community lies in the active participation of its members, most notably in our elections. These elections aren’t just about casting votes; they represent our shared ambitions, values, and commitments.

Consider the potent impact of spirited debates, insightful candidate showcases, and enthusiastic community participation. These elements together form the pulsating heart of our democratic process, allowing for diverse voices to resonate, ideas to flow, and visions for the future to emerge.

Why should we all get excited about elections? Simply put, these elections shape our shared destiny. They’re about our collective growth, problem-solving, innovation, and fostering a community that we can all be proud of.

We all need to amplify the significance of these elections. It’s not about waiting for the votes to be casted; it’s about engaging, participating, and contributing. Let’s ensure that every voice is heard, every perspective is valued, and every vision is acknowledged.

This is a rallying call to every member of our community. Your participation is what empowers us, adding to the richness of our collective narrative. Your engagement signifies your commitment to our shared aspirations.

Every vote counts, every voice matters, and every participant makes a difference. These elections aren’t just about electing our leaders, they’re about defining our community’s ethos.

So, let’s unite for these impactful elections. Let’s make them a celebration of our community, a testament to our unity, and a milestone in our shared journey. Let’s inspire, bring hope, and showcase our collective strength.

Our community’s future is in our hands. Let’s seize the opportunity presented by these elections to shape it. Together, we can craft a future that resonates with our shared pride. It’s time for us to rise, participate, and let the world hear our voices - united, strong, and ready to shape our destiny.

Week 2: Overview

The second week has been bustling with activities centered around charting out comprehensive plans, preparing budget templates, and designing processes for the upcoming election.


Here are the key tasks I focused on this week:

  • Finalizing the Distro and Defi Dao Charters: The charters for both the Distro and Defi Dao are now ready for community review.

  • Creating the Budget Template for constellations: The Budget Template has been prepared, which will serve as a standard guide for all constellations.

  • Designing Election GTM Process: I’m in the process of outlining the GTM (Go-to-Market) process for the elections.This includes various elements such as the PR campaign, community campaign, the election timeline, voter education guide, and debate guide. I will share this when finalized.

  • Compiling Work Group Overview Document: A comprehensive Work Group Overview document has been compiled and made ready for use.

  • Contributing to the First WorkGroup Summit: (Passcode: ^8*33bYY) I had the opportunity to share insights and learn from other contributors during the first-ever WorkGroup Summit.

  • Planning and Administering the NFT WG elections: The elections for the NFT WorkGroup have been planned and are being administered, which is providing a practical groundwork to further refine the process.


The key objectives of the week were:

  • Progressing the Workgroups: The goal is to prepare the workgroups to be ready to apply for funding from the community treasury after the NDC v1 launch.

  • Establishing and Executing an Election Plan: The second objective was to create a solid plan for the upcoming elections and initiate the execution process.

  • Testing the NDC Election Plan: We are running the NDC Election plans in the NFT WorkGroup Elections as a test run, to gain real-time insights and make necessary adjustments.

Progress Snapshot

Workgroup Intro Call Charter Charter Link Budget Legal Entity Community Outreach
NFT Done :white_check_mark: Ready for Community Review NEAR NFT Ecosystem Revival DAO Charter - Google Docs In Progress To be started In Progress
Amplify Done :white_check_mark: Ready for Community Review DistroWG Charter - Google Docs In Progress To be started In Progress
DeFi Done :white_check_mark: Ready for Community Review NEAR Digital Collective DEFI GWG Charter - Google Docs In Progress To be started In Progress
Gaming Done :white_check_mark: Ready for Community Review GamingDAO Charter - Google Docs In Progress To be started In Progress
Regional Communities Done :white_check_mark: Ready for Community Review RC DAO Charter - Google Docs In Progress In Progress In Progress

Impact & Importance of This Week’s Actions

This week, a significant stride was made towards shaping our community’s future. Each action taken and task completed marked another step towards our shared goals.

Finalizing the Distro and Defi Dao Charters for community review was fundamental, as these charters lay down the guiding principles for their respective community’s operations. It emphasizes transparency, accountability, and collaboration, helping us remain aligned with our community’s shared vision.

The creation of the Budget Template for constellations has provided a structure to their financial planning. It’s an essential tool that ensures the sustainable allocation of resources, fostering an environment of financial responsibility and transparency.

The work-in-progress design for the Election GTM process is another significant leap. This process is pivotal in ensuring a fair, inclusive, and democratic election. It paves the way for vibrant community participation, robust debates, and informed decision-making.

Compiling the Work Group Overview document and sharing insights during the first WorkGroup Summit underline our commitment to transparent communication and collaborative problem-solving. It highlights our strides towards collective growth and continual learning.

Finally, administering the NFT WG elections provides a hands-on opportunity to test run our plans, allowing us to learn, adapt, and refine our processes, ensuring smoother and more efficient future elections.

The work done this week is about more than just ticking boxes off a to-do list; it’s about laying strong foundations for a robust, vibrant, and inclusive community. Your participation, support, and contributions will continue to inspire progress, paving the way for an exciting future we’re shaping together.

Looking Forward

In the upcoming week, I will continue to focus on the smooth functioning of the NFT WorkGroup elections, refining the election GTM process, and further progress of the WorkGroups.

Your participation and feedback are crucial to our growth and evolution, and I appreciate your continued engagement and support. Here’s to another week of progress!


You’re doing a great job already. Kudos


Thank you for the hard work, transparency and valuable contributions. I would like to see similar information flow from other WGs as well. I hope this sets the standards for NDC


Thank you for your detail report. Would be really cool to see such reports from other GWG members. You are doing greate work!

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