The Metaverse in the Physical World

The Metaverse in the Physical World

With the latest updates in Augmented Reality technologies, the metaverse can now occupy the physical world through the geolocation of objects and virtual image on the image of the concrete world. Digital objects that were previously tied to immersion virtual universes can now occupy and superimpose the concrete world through our smartphones and tablets. In this conversation, we will explore what already exists and what is the creative potential in Art, Design and games that these tools can achieve. We will also review the concept of presence in virtual spaces and augmented reality, and how virtual objects can occupy the physical world, tied to a specific space and being a unique NFT.

Jack Holmer is a Master in Communication and Languages (2008), has a degree in Degree in Design from Embap (2004) and PhD candidate in Design, Art and Technology by UAM. He has been working with Technological Poetics since 2001. Research Artificial Life and Robotics through Semiotics, its interaction interfaces and the gamification of contemporaneity, producing Interactive Robots, Autonomous Virtual Beings, GameArt, documentaries and computer codes. He has been a professor of Art Electrodigital at Unespar, at the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná, since 2012. He has experience in the field of Arts, with an emphasis on Art Digital, and in the area of Design, in which he was coordinator of the Graphic Project of Oscar Niemeyer museum.

The seminar will take place on September 26th (online), 2022. 17:30 (Brasil Time UTC-3).
It will be held in Portuguese.

Budget for speaker: 200 USD in DAI or NEAR (that is more convenient to dao).

NEAR account for payment: jackholmer.near


Obrigado, @holmerjack! Estamos ansiosos para ver sua palestra. :smiley:


This proposal was approved for September’s TPD Seminars (Fifth edition). Thank you.