Stepping down from CDAO Council

As I stand at the crossroads of change, I want to take a moment to reach out personally and share some reflections on our shared journey. My tenure as a council member of Creatives DAO has been an adventure of growth, discovery, and profound collaboration.

We’ve built something extraordinary together, with the highs and lows all part of this groundbreaking venture into web3.
We’ve taken risks, made our share of mistakes, and celebrated our victories—all of which have been crucial to our development and learning.

Change is the heartbeat of innovation, and it brings with it new directions and opportunities. It is with a deep respect for our collective mission that I acknowledge the path our current CDAO councils and our enforcer are paving for Creatives DAO is one that veers from my personal vision for our future.
This divergence is a natural progression in the dynamic world we navigate, and it is with this understanding that I’ve decided it’s time for me to explore new frontiers.

I want to express my sincerest appreciation for the ways this space has challenged and supported me allowing me to grow and add value to individuals, communities and this ecosystem as a whole.
Arguments have been as enriching as agreements, each one contributing to the tapestry of our CDAO’s story.

I will continue engaging with the NEAR, and I am hopeful our paths will intersect again, perhaps at Nearcon or other industry meetups.

Thank you, each and every one of you, for the role you’ve played in this incredible chapter of my life. The relationships and experiences I’ve gained here are nothing short of invaluable.

With heartfelt thanks and anticipation for what’s to come!

Let’s keep buidling!!!


Hey Sahil my deepest respect to you, thank you for all your work and dedication,

I want to thank you personally and on behalf of fraDAO for having dedicated yourself and done a beautiful job, always respectful and with care for the artists left a great mark of humanity.

We wish you lots of light and positive vibes on your journey, and may you be bathed in good energy and lots of luck on your way.

Many thanks to you and all the creativeDAO moderators.
Long live


Hey there, thank you for all your efforts, enthusiasm, kindness, open communication, and constructive approach. It has always been a pleasure to work and collaborate with you. I hope you keep building and preserve your stand :saluting_face:


You have contributed your quota… Best of luck in future endeavours.

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