Sandbox [September] Reward claim of [harrykane#2132]

Claim 1

  1. Type of activity: Sandbox Referral Program

  2. Briefly describe: I brought some developers to and helped them to get their certificates. Here is the list of their discords and their certificate URLs:
    dan10#4893 - Near Academy
    mccarthy#4851 - Near Academy
    tomasschick#5492 - Near Academy
    jamallu#3433 - Near Academy

  3. Link to the results:

Esitmated reward: 30 x 4 = 120 USD

Claim 2

  1. Type of activity: Feedbacks
  2. Briefly describe: I filled in the monthly feedback form

Estimated reward: 10 USD

Total reward
120 + 10 = 130 USD

Claims Approved.

Total: $130 USD

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