Claim 1
I filling in the contributor’s profile form:
Reward: 5 USD
Claim 2
Type of Activity:
Sandbox Referral Program.
Briefly describe the activity (act or series or both):
4.Act: Bring Developers to NEAR Academy Series: Developer Completes Academy and Becomes NEAR Certified.*
I bring several developers from my company: I told them about the blockchain and
introduced them to Near’s capabilities, after that they went through NEAR Academy and shared their certificates.
All of them received NEAR Academy certificates.
I also did feedback for OWS survey!
Provide the link to the end result:
These are their discord handles :
Winckelmans#3787 Shulga Illia Denisovich
Boslee#2243 Yurchenko Bogdan Mikitovich
Rafaaw#8209 Koshovy Volodymyr Vitaliyovich
Latom#0419 Babenko Mikola Sergiyovich
ps#0803 Oleksandr Vasilenko
Their certificates: NEAR - referrals- Google Drive
Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities (acts or series or both) you have completed. This has to be in accordance with the rolling opportunities list.
The estimated reward is 160 USD, 5 developers completed the course (30 USD one time per developer) = 30*5 = 150 , 10 USD for filling in the general feedback survey for the OWS.
All awards for September : 5+160=165 USD