Sandbox [November] Reward Claim of [Shubham#5607]

Claim #1:Memes

Type of Activity: Memes

Briefly describe the activity: I created a collection of 10 memes and posted them on Twitter.(Following MEME guidelines)

Provide the link to the end result:
Type of Activity

Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities: Collection of 10 memes = 50USD

Claim #2:Social Media NEAR Force

Type of Activity: Social Media NEAR Force.
Briefly describe the Activites :100(daily activity) + 100(1-time bonus for 200 followers)+ 3(Account creation) = 203 USD
Provide the link to the end result:

Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities:100(daily activity)+ 100(1-time bonus for 200 followers)+3(Account creation) = 203USD

Claim #3: Infographics

Type of Activity: Infographics | Video | Normal Creatives

Briefly describe the activity: I Created an infographic for a project or a concept related to NEAR

Provide the link to the end result:

Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities: 30USD

Claim #4 : Content Creation

Type of Activity: 1 Blog Articles on Medium

Provide the link to the end result:
Type of Activity

Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities: 60USD

Total rewards: 50+203+50+60 = 363USD

Hello! Welcome to the NEAR community

As you start enthusiastically creating value for the ecosystem, here are some tips:

  • we reward engagement and traction, therefore tweets needs to show that they have trigged engagement. Tweet with 1 or 2 likes do not fall under ‘creating traction’.

  • we do not reward for your followers, that is your motivation to establish yourself in the community and be part of force.

  • if you write a blog, the reward will be based on how big of an audience it reached. Just writing the blog is not the goal.

  • show us how much you care, engage in conversations, ask questions and share ideas.

  • be part of the engine that keeps positive energy within and engagement within the community.

Looking forward to see the awesome stuff you will contribute with.


Hey @Albhion Thank you for the Works in OWS.

Claim #1 Memes: 1 - Approved
2- Rejected due to Post doesn’t Qualify for Required Likes as Per November Opportunities
3- Rejected, Cannot be taken as Meme.
4 - Approved
5- Rejected, Cannot be taken as Meme.
6- Approved, Quality to be Improved
7-Rejected due to Post doesn’t Qualify for Required Likes as Per November Opportunities
8- Approved
9- Approved
10 -Rejected due to Post doesn’t Qualify for Required Likes as Per November Opportunities
Total - 25 USD

Claim #2 Approved- Social Media NEAR Force - 100 USD + 100 USD

Claim #3 Infogrphics
1 - Considered as Simple Design - 5 USD
2- Approved
3- Approved
4- Simple Design - No Info on the Graphics 5 USD
5 - Rejected
Total - 30 USD

Claim #4 Rejected - Plagiarism Found -

as in

This is Not Encouraged in OWS, Consider this as a Warning, If this Persist this may lead to Ban to Future Works in OWS.

Total Claim Approved : 25 + 200 + 30 = 255 USD