Rolling Opportunities
Claim #1: Social Media NEAR Force
- Series
- Type of Activity: Social Media NEAR Force.
- Briefly describe the activity: Grow your followers, posting updates/news/comments
Provide the link to the end result:
- One-time bonuses once you reach 200 followers in the concerned month(299 followers)
- Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities: 100+50 =150 USD
Claim #2: Content Creation:
- Series.
- Type of Activity: Infographics.
- Briefly describe the activity: I Created an infographic for a project or a concept related to NEAR
- Provide the link to the result:
- Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities: 60 USD
Claim #3: Content Creation:
- ACT.
- Type of Activity: Infographics.
- Briefly describe the activity: I Created an infographic for a project or a concept related to NEAR
- Provide the link to the result:
Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities: 70 USD
Claim #4: Content Creation
- ACT.
- Type of Activity: Content Creation
- Briefly describe the activity: I created NEAR related topic and post it on Social Media
- Provide the link to the result:
Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities: 40 USD
Total rewards: 100+50+60+70+40 = 320