Claim #1
- Act
2.Content Creation - Creation of two NEARMunk graphics promoting the new wave of Guilds on the NEARMunk Twitter account
- - NEARMunks Twitter account
- Total NEAR: 8 NEAR for 2 infographics
Claim 2:
- Series
2.Social Media NEAR force - Upkeep, tweeting, and daily engagement on the NEARMunk twitter account to promote various projects and initiatives in the ecosystem. We reached over 200 followers this month!
- NEARMunks Twitter account
- Total NEAR: 50 NEAR for reaching and surpassing 200 followers and 20 NEAR for account management
Total Claim: 8 NEAR for graphics + 50 NEAR for surpassing 200 followers on the NEARMunks account + 20 NEAR for account management= 78 NEAR total