“Sandbox [August] Reward Claim of [Foliage10]”

Claim #1

  1. Act
    2.Content Creation
    3.Creation of two NEARMunk graphics on the NEARMunk Twitter account
  2. NEARMunks Twitter account
  3. Total NEAR: 8 NEAR for 2 infographics

Claim 2:

  1. Series
    2.Social Media NEAR force
  2. Upkeep, tweeting, and daily engagement on the NEARMunk twitter account to promote various projects and initiatives in the ecosystem. We are almost at 300 followers :slight_smile:
  3. https://twitter.com/NRmunks
  4. NEARMunks Twitter account
  5. Total NEAR: 20 NEAR for account management

Total Claim: 8 NEAR for graphics + 20 NEAR for account management= 28 NEAR total