Sandbox [JANUARY] Reward Claim of [RodoBossa#6709] [rodobossa.near]

Claim 1

Type of activity: [ Content Translation ]

Link to Result:

Reward: $50,5

1010(words)×25÷500= $50,5

Total Estimated Reward = $50,5

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Hello, :vulcan_salute: Approved

This is the second translation I see into Portuguese, please let me know if you share this content with the Portuguese speaking community.

For example, on Telegram: Telegram: Contact @near_pt

Or on the Portuguese channel from the NEAR main Discord server

Or any twitter from the Portuguese speaking communit

The idea is that the right public can read your content :rocket:

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Hi Fritz Worm, thanks!
I shared it on Telegram: Telegram: Contact @near_pt and also with my friends and relatives from Brazil. And now I proceed to share on the Portuguese Discord channel.
Sorry for not doing it sooner but since I’m still a newbie, I have a lot of things to learn!